Anthony Fauci thinks the UK COVID variant is more common in the US than known

The new, more contagious variant of COVID which originated in the United Kingdom is probably in more US states than is currently known, Anthony Fauci tell it Newsweek.

The variant, known as B.1.1.7, first appeared in Colorado last week and has since been identified in California, Florida, New York and Georgia. It is believed that B.1.1.7 is to blame for an increase in COVID cases in the UK because it is better to spread than the forms of the virus in the past. People do not seem to get sick.

Fauci, a top immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tells Newsweek On Tuesday, he would be “very surprised” if the British variant did not spread in a number of more states and more in the United States than we currently see it.

He pointed to a prediction he made when the British tribe had not yet been reported in the US, and believes it was not found at the time.

“I said I’m sure it’s here, we just have not found it yet. And I think it’s very clear that it’s going to be in places like California and New York and Colorado … it’s going to be in soon several more states. ‘

A new variant of a virus emerges when it accumulates significant new mutations. The term “mutation” sounds worrying, but these genetic changes usually occur as part of the life cycle of viruses. Thousands of mutations of COVID since the onset of the pandemic.

Sometimes, however, mutations can affect how the virus behaves, as with the British variant, as well as another from South Africa. not uploaded in the US, but Fauci apparently present.

Fauci says the British variant “has a clear effect on the function of the virus” by making it easier to spread among humans.