Anthony Fauci says the application of the second dose of the vaccine against coronavirus should not be delayed

Anthony Fauci, Casa Blanca epidemiologist (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)
Anthony Fauci, Casa Blanca epidemiologist (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)

Anthony Fauci It is considered that the second dose of the vaccine against covid-19 should not be withdrawn – contrary to what some experts believe -, if they hold the available scientific data.

Consulted on his posture on the subject, the Chief Epidemiologist of the United States Government, gave an interview with the television channel NBC News in order to study the effects of the retrospective of the second dose, he has enough vacancies for the whole world to be immunized.

“What we have now and what we are debating is with the scientific data that we have accumulated, and it is very solid -agregó-. We know that with each of these (dose), there are well over 21 days or 28 days. You can do both. Puedes tener aunt gente con la primera dose, al tiempo que te adhieres, dentro de lo reasonable, al calendar de la segunda dose ”.

Aun así, Fauci, who is medical assessor jefe del presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, reconoció que “The demand (of vacancies) is clearly above the summit”.

“If the availability of the dosage only in the capacity of manufacture is increased, it will be incremented in accordance with February, March, April and most of all, with which there is a clear, clear discrepancy between this and the demand and the offer-. Mejoraremos conforme entramos in February and March ”, auguró.

In the EUE there were 39 million people evacuated (REUTERS / Mike Segar)
In the EUE there were 39 million people evacuated (REUTERS / Mike Segar)

United States applies this Saturday for the first time more than two thousand vacancies against the coronavirus in a single day, following the data retrieved by the state agency Bloomberg. The official reports of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, by its seal in English) show more large numbers and that statistics are maintained by each state and suelen retrieve in the process of unifying the content.

According to this data sequence, in the last few days there was a media of 1.43 million vacancies in the United States, which is very close to the 1.5 million registered journals by President Joe Biden.

According to the CDC, of ​​the 39 million people who have vacancies in the EU, more than 8 million have received the dose of the vacancy. Without embarrassment, the logistics success varies from state to state. In various administrations, the dose of administration administered increases permanently by up to 70% of the vials distributed by the federal government.

It is hoped that in the next few weeks the rhythm of continuous vacancy will increase, not only in the best processes and in the production rhythm by the laboratories (Pfizer and Modern), but also in the case of possible emergency authorization for the formula of Johnson & Johnson, which immunization is a single dose.

United States is the world most affected by the pandemic, with 27 million cases and more than 462,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

North American authorities intend to facilitate the evacuation process (REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)
North American authorities intend to facilitate the evacuation process (REUTERS / Carlo Allegri)

Ante el lento desarrollo de la campuna de vacunación, some countries, like the United Kingdom, he decided to withdraw the administration of the second dose of sugar.

The British government has opted to postpone the second week of the second dose, considering that the first “major part of the protection” against the virus, while the next one to “complete and extend” the administration, said the medical counselor for the United Kingdom, Chris Whitty.

The British Society of Immunology responds to the plan as a solution acceptable a short place given the “precedent-setting situation” that has generated the pandemic, although it undermines the timelines of a strategy that we have not tested in clinical trials.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been alerted to the final trial, although it will accept the second dose within six weeks in exceptional cases, a maximum hearing similar to that allowed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA, in English) and at the beginning of the presentation by the United Kingdom.

With EFE information in Bloomberg

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