Announcing an award of 100 million dollars created by Elon Musk for those who invent will capture the atmospheric carbon

Following the Xprize Foundation, in order to restore the carbon balance in Tierra, it is necessary to neutralize 10 gigatons of CO2 by 2050.

The Xprize Benefit Foundation announces this Monday a special award for the development of a carbon capture method present in the atmosphere.

The prize, endowed with 100 million dollars, was established by the co-founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, who informed his decision in January. Of this amount, 15 million dollars will be distributed among the 15 more participating participants and 5 million dollars will be distributed among 25 students, in the form of becas. The rest will receive the three teams that occupy the first houses in the tournament, which will receive 50, 20 and 10 million dollars, respectively.

The contest will take place on April 22nd. Participants tend to present a prototype that can capture at least one ton of CO2 in the day, with the possibility of being scaled up to gigantic loads. The projects are evaluated on the basis of cost and the speed of gas neutralization.

The level of the sea can be lowered to 2100 by 38 centimeters for power emissions.

The final objective of the competence is to invent a method that will allow 10 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide to be harvested by the year 2050. This rhythm is sufficient to restore the carbon balance in the Tierra, confirming the foundation in a communication.

“We will have a significant impact later. Carbon negativity, not neutrality. The final objective is the scalable carbon extraction, which takes into account the ‘cost per tonality in its totality’ and which includes the ambient impact. This is not a theoretical competence; we need teams that build real systems that can have a mediocre impact and escalate to a gigantic level. That is necessary. Time is fundamental, “Xprize quoted Musk as saying.

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