Announcement of the Medical Association regarding the case of Andrés Román

Deport | The Association of Medicine of the Department of Colombia (AMEDCO) pronounces itself on the case of the Judge of Millonarios Andrés Román, quien, según Boca Juniors, sufre de una myopic myopathy, pidió a los “calm and prudent mediums ” and responded to the medical department of the Colombian club.

“We must respect the Ley 23 of 1981, which establishes the normativeness and confidentiality in the management of the Clinical History of Patients and in the case of the Sports History Clinic Medical Sports of the Athletes”, said the communicator.

The Colombian player to Argentina to win with Boca Juniors, per did not pass the medical exams, probe ban, Millionaires have not officially received the documentation and results of the exams conducted in Roman, of Argentina.

About this case, AMEDCO has one “Called to silence by the media women, without holding the official communications of the departments of the clubs involved, he concentrates on making accusations without having more reliable information than the information provided through social media ”, puntualizaron.

The Association of Medical Deportation of Colombia indicates that “he was able to judge the identity and professional criterion of the Millonarios medical team, which for the time being is a serious and recognized deportation institution, which has a medical department with idonist specialists in the field of deportation specialists.
