Angelica Rivera of the elegance class with a white pleated white blazer type vest, plush sombrero and refined pearl necklaces

Angelica Rivera always sale to relocate to the time of the best women’s festivals in Mexico. It’s indispensable the good taste that has to arm his looks, that he gave to the vista during his period as the First Lady of Mexico: in each of his appearances, derrocha elegance and sobriety with refined attenuations and classic courts.

One of the most recent colors in the records of the record Gaviota, de Distilando amor, was the blank. In this era, when it comes to assisting officials in representing Mexico, it is important to note every detail of its image before meeting or meeting with representatives of other countries.

Cómo vest de blanco al mejor estilo de Angélica Rivera

Although many women can avoid wearing white blankets because they have been described in detail as cellulite or rollitos in the belt, it is ideal to use this color with much love. Hecho, it’s the perfect tone for the primordial and the vernacular, ya que fresco fronts the high temperatures.

Angelica Rivera Instagram

I like it, el white color has always been used by women in the long run of years as a signal of empowerment: in the United States, the white dress in the 1900s to light up his right to vote and with the passing of the years, various women that he wore important garments in white and white clothing, also as a symbol of light and reconnaissance to death effort.

If so, if you want to shine with a look totally white, wear in this outfit that Angelica Rivera took on an official visit to the United Kingdom: in the best of clothes, to wear one white dress set white blank and pleated pleated, with which Paris includes another integral to British reality.

With black accessories, Angelica Rivera wears bright white glasses

A white vest can be complemented with various accessories, no import colors, but if you want to log a sober app, the first option are the accessories in black. In the case of the 51-year-old actress, she used to wear black leggings, adding a lot of personality and elegance to her style.

As for the cable, it is full and armed with many evils that the animal has volume on its melena and marks its impeccable rostro. Aggregate a ladle, very characteristic in British fashion, with a few beautiful pearl necklaces with a pearl, and a mini clutch type black ball.

In these cases, the makeup must be the most neutral or naturally feasible, rule that Angélica Rivera followed to perfection, that he left his labs in tone naak, tan only resulting in mirada with a humble dark style.

The types that wear the blazer or the blazer are the most sought after this time, and the result is a lot of favors for all women, without importing its stature or type of figure. Permits dissimulate the rollitos, alargan and plan the zone of the body and can be very versatile: you can paint with zapatillas, tennis or tacos, in any time of year.

Entones, as well as the experts in fashion assure that everyone can have a black dress in his armor, also must have another white blank, that can be salvaged in every occasion, make elegance and impeccable as Angelica Rivera in it , donde uso un falda lápiz blanca con una una blusa roja de gasa.

The recommendation and video
