Angela Merkel views Donald Trump on Twitter as ‘problematic’

German cancellation Angela Merkel consider exposing Twitter to the president of the stadium Donald Trump es “problematic”, dijo el lunes el portavoz de la gobernante.

Twitter permanently suspends Trump on his platform the Fires, citing a “Mayor’s incitement to violence” a rais del asalto al Capitolio de Estados Unidos por part de partidarios del mandatorio saliente.

When asked about the decision by Twitter, Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said that social networking platforms “It has a great responsibility to ensure that political communication is not directed at the audio, the mentions and the incitement to violence”.

Agree that it is correct “do not retrieve” when it is published content, for example, giving an opinion.

Pero Seibert also says that freedom of opinion is a fundamental right of “elemental import”.

“This fundamental right can be intervened, but agreed with the law and within the market defined by the legislators, without agreement with a decision of the administration of the social speech platforms”, dijo a los periodistas en Berlín. “From this point of view, the cancellation is considered problematic as the statements of the President of the United States are now permanently blocked”.

Facebook suspends Trump’s account juxtaposed with the 20th of January, the day of the presidential election Joe Biden, and possibly of indefinite form.

Merkel’s own no account on Twitter, although Seibert and many other German governors are.
