Ángela Aguilar supposes extravagant regalia of Vicente Fernández

La joven cantante Ángela Aguilar presumption in his social speeches the extravagant and costly regal received by the controversial Charro Vicente Fernández. Well, Pepe Aguilar’s hat does not have any details when it comes, he will show contents with the present.

The approximate cost of the shelf ‘Charro de Huentitán’, to the promise of the regional mexican, in mexico, varies between 80 mil pesos and a million pounds. Depending on how good it is.

To accompany the image, interpret the ‘Dime comi quieres’ hizo reference to one of the most known songs of ‘Chente’ and announced the number that the kiss to his obsequio.

One of Angela Aguilar's Passions is Equitation

“Y volver, volverrrr. Celebrating to donor Don Vicente mounting his regal, el Quickly“, wrote the song in your Instagram post.

In the photography posted by the artist you can appreciate mounting a coffee table with the crin trenzada with colored emerald leagues.

She can go observer with a blouse color black black jeans by mezclilla kleur azul and to maintain the media of health, using a cubrebocas.

Cabe detaches that one of the passions of Angela, in addition to the music, is the equitación, then you can mount a horse and presume it in its circle in the social speeches.

Once in the past, the Mexican singer posted photos with ‘Troiano‘, quien es un cuadrupedo coor negro con con la crin larga y trenzada.

Angela Aguilar has a horse called Troyano
