
The song is admired by millions of young people for their talent

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By Levy Martínez

Monday 18 January, 2021, at 18:50


Some months ago, Ángela Aguilar Delete the thousands of followers to announce the launch of the first coin created in its image and semen, now the same amount is converted into a coin of corn and hueso.

La hija de Pepe Aguilar tuvo el regalo ideal ideal para sus fanaticos al poner de nuevo su mini clon en el marado, emocionada por el momento clave de su carrera. “The best regal for this Christmas” wrote the song of 17 years.

If well it’s just a plastic toy, Ángela Aguilar has the opportunity to recreate a carnival and have fun with a photo session, just inside his box and all, marveling at his versatility to the fans.

Ángela Aguilar poses as a Barbie Barbie dress with a red and jean sedate coquette blazer

Vestida with a red blazer of seda rojo, top white blanket and a jean desgastado, the interpretation of La chancla poso dentro de una caja al stylo muñeca Barbie, with a pose of supermodel and by supuesto rockeando his characteristic court of bobsled bob court.

“In the case of love in the first sight, take the glass” says the box where Angela was. It’s just a masterpiece of passion that sings in fashion, exploring its creativity in a way that is distinct from music.

On account Instagram This is a line of photos that will have different attendees, from jean’s and player’s sencillos conjoined gala dresses where exposing Mexican regional culture to a new generation.

The success of Dime como quieres it has opened many gates to Angela Aguilar, one that will increase over the course of this year, as it will be a part of its conspiracy as the new roster of regional music.

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