Ángel Di María plays the game in PSG to enter the robo that suffers his family

Ángel Di María laat vaar repentinamente la cancha a los 57 minutos del party que Paris Saint-Germain jugaba against Nantes in the Parque de los Príncipes, to enter that fue victim of a robo in his hogar, with his family present.

One instant moment, the Brazilian Leonardo, sporting director of the Paris institution, descended on the plate to communicate the notice to the Argentine coach Mauricio Pochettino, who ordered the intermediate version.

Pochettino le comentó el suceso a su jugador mientras lo acompañaba al vestuario. Según The Team, the football player reconciles to the end of the shock that his home team has been linked to.

For its part, Marquinhos also enters the robo that sufrieron his fathers during the game. Like the Di Maria family, the Marquinhos fathers also lived in the house at that time and the lords of the tomaron as rehenes.

The police will open an investigation and the club will do everything it can to the players and their families.

Di Maria passed on a similar experience when playing for Manchester United in 2015, when he and his family were victims of a robbery.

Video, released in Rosario on February 14, 1988, has been announced by the company to extend its contract with PSG until June 30, 2022, before the 2015 Manchester United lawsuit.

In the PSG dispute, there are 249 encuentros with 87 goals and 104 assists. There are also four French League champions and three French Cups.

Di María read the European football proceedings of Rosario Central in 2007, when he fouled the Portuguese Benfica. It took three seasons before the Real Madrid draw, in which he was crowned with a UEFA Champions League (2014).

Real Madrid have won the 75 million euro enthusiast at Manchester United, but it is not necessary. In 2015, PSG received 63 million euros per sus servicios.

With the Argentina selection, he played 104 international matches and scored 20 goals. Su vernaamste logro fue el subcampeonato mundial en 2014.
