Anel Noreña is the universal heiress of José José

The example of José José and the mother of his two mayors, Anel Noreña, is the universal heir to the will of the “Principle of the Song” and is due to the number of the cantante.

Since the death of José José on September 28, 2019, he married José Joel and Marisol Sosa in a series of conflicts with her husband Sarita Sosa, disputing the heredity and legacy of his failed father.

But I have no idea at the moment that the ultimate voluntary deed of “Lo pasado pasado” has been announced.

Anel Noreña y sus hijos José Joel y Marysol Sosa reaparecieron este lunes en los juzgados de la Ciudad de México para dar lectur al al testament que dejó José José años antes de su deceso.

International media reports that the artist’s living space is empty of the word and the word: “We are very content, it is the reading of legal and legal manners in the will, in which, as universal hereditary, the senator Ana Elena Noreña Grass”.

Although Sarita Sosa, he is the best of the “Principle of the Song”, assured in a recent interview that her father had made a will in the United States that presumably invalidated the previous, Marysol Sosa punctualized. “(Anel) es heredera universal y no hooi, literally, otro testamento”.

For his part, Anel demonstrated with a great voice that felt: “very content, very agreeable, and very goose, in touch and in comfort”. Y aggregó: “José desde el cielo puso a su familia por encima de todo y de todos los demas ”.

In the same way, José Joel confirmed that he will continue with the traumas of this process, and at the moment the Mexican authorities have not reconciled any other will that the animal will read this April 5th.

To be questioned about the amount that ascends the herenica, Noreña vaciló y dijo: “pure deudas”, and on his part José Joel aggregó: “pero ya quedó establecido”.

To finalize, José José’s ex dijo discontinues what he succeeds with the furniture that the cantante dejo in United States and is willing to confirm or dismantle algo of herencia with Sarita Sosa.

+ Tres hijos de dos matrimonios

Anel is the mother of José Joel, the fruit of his relationship with the artist. El muchacho nació en 1975 y la hija de ambos en 1982.

In 1991 José José divorced Anel and four others were married to Sara Salazar, his third wife. The same thing happened during a Latin American war, born on the third day, Sarita.

Since then, the families have begun a media dispute over the death of the interpreter.
