Andy Najar is negotiating with Olympia and will be able to convert to the best footballer in the National League – Diez

Olympia todavía no le cierra las puertas al market de transferencias, que cierra a mediados de marzo, y podría concreta una bomb: el hondureño Andy Najar is negotiating his ticket with the cara albos at Clausura 2021.

Najar habría llegado al Barcelona si un fueran por las lesions

DIEZ should know that the midfielder maintains advanced conversations with the team vice president, Osman Madrid, and value the offer that has over the month.

Off Olympia like the profile of Najar, who wanted to recover from his injuries in order to be an important piece and claiming that a player with debit experience is needed and that the Concacaf Champions and his rival will be disputed for less and less than the America.

Without embarrassment, the mayor impediment in the negotiations has the economic theme. Debt to the record by United States and European Football, Najar has a value in the very high market.

In case of Olympia accept the economic conditions and reach an agreement with the footballer of 27 years, Andy is converted into the highest paid player of the National League.

On the other hand, the priority of the catracho is to continue in the extranjero. El DC United, club with the empezó his career from 2010, is considered to be a second opportunity, confirmed Dave Kasper, general manager of the North American joint.

Injure ingresso cambio y in four minutes salioí lesionado

The team of the MLS is evaluating the vuelta del hondureño antes de tomar un decision, pues Najar has one of the most footballed players in the field. So much so that it was not renovated by Los Angeles FC and is defining its future.

But breathe of DC United, the Andy also is worth a concrete offer that has Zulte Waregem, club of the Primera División de Bélgica, and tendría the chance to regress to this league of his step by the Anderlecht (2013-20).

A calvary for the lesions

Antes de que Najar volviera a la MLS, this was an inactive one due to the strong lesion that suffered from cruciate ligament rotation and was caused by an operation in the 2016-17 campaign.

Three months into recovery, the player regresses to the canes, then flees to feel molestation in the rodilla. Tuvo que pasar neuvamente par el chirófano en 2018 y al siguiente año volvió a recaer y se operé por tercera vez.

Fall in June of 2020 When Los Angeles FC, Mexican military team the Mexican Carlos Vela, is interested in its services and will find an agreement. But now that reality is out of the question, there is no need to renovate while only disputing 180 minutes in both appearances and having markets. For this reason, the Honduran finds himself as a free agent.

Luego de extenderles el contrato a German ‘Patón’ Mejía y Ever Alvarado y confirmmar los fichajes de Brayan Beckeles, Allan Banegas y el argentno Ezequiel Aguirre, el Olympia is negotiating the legacy of Andy Najar and hope to meet you on the fly in the next few days.
