Andy Escalona reveals that I love Daniel Bisogno very much for not being able to be a mother with him

¿Cómo olvidar el romance entre Andy Escalona y Daniel Bisogno, same as suedió between the 2008 in 2010? Once upon a time there was more than a decade, love and care that existed between employees was the day of high and fue the ‘HOY’ television presenter who told Mara Patricia Chestnut that he loved to die with his courage and ‘El Muñe’, decided to end it because it is not listed to be mother.

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Agreed with Andy Escalona, first start with salir Daniel Bisogno as friends, “and the romance fue as in me and medio, dos meses, ya de repente dije ‘qué raro, quiero besar a Bisogno’. It is very enamored and just lasts a long time, as a year and I will live with my family and meet in December ”, however, the critical point of the wine relationship when it expresses its desire to marry her; “If I have a day I say, ‘I love you, when you are with us in our house’, and if you say, ‘No, how?’ A ver, espérate ‘, tengo 21 años, yo no quiero tener hijos, y le dije,’ sabes qué, ¿qué hago aquí? Tu vas para un lado y yo me la estoy pasando muy bien, me estoy divirtiendo mucho pero me falta mucho por hacer ‘y que corto a Daniel y yo lloraba porque lo quería muchísimo, corté queriéndolo muchísimo ”, confesó la hija de Magda Rodríguez.

“It’s the first time I’ve had the crash”

Andy Escalona although I had an appointment with Daniel Bisogno, I experienced a very deep depression; “It’s the first time I’m getting rid of the green courage, I’m fluttering, I’m depressed, I’m pushing in Albera to laugh and my mom says ‘What are we doing?’ y yo ‘ay no sé, me quiero ir a Barcelona’ y Magda como me cumplía todos mis caprichos me dijo, ‘bueno te vas en una semana’ ”.

“Always have a tip”

Andy Escalona also defends his salary in defense, respecting all the rumors that he made about his sexuality, and making sure that this topic does not compete with others; “Conmigo always had a tip, and my little one imported what I had Daniel en su cama o en su alcoba, es muy de él y de su entorno y jamás me atrevería a meterme oa preguntar oa cuestionar porque si un día Daniel le tiene que dar una explanation in alguien es a su hija in cierto momento, o quizás no , pero de ahí en fuera…. ”, Expressing the tantiant tantiant.

Andy includes himself deshizo in halagos hacia Daniel Bisogno; “Conmigo is always a cavalier in the relationship, he is a super professional type, apasionado on television, super chambermaid, he gave his life to Azteca, to Pati, he is a very loyal type, he is a good friend, good husband, a buen papá, buen hijo, a mi con quien la gente se acueste, y Daniel ya no es mi tema hablando sentimentmente … Es algo de la vida privada de Daniel, dijo Escalona.

Andy explained that when the presenter of ‘Ventaneando’ entered the death of his mother, Magda Rodríguez, he saw the first one arrive in high spirits; “Fue el primero en entrar al velorio porque se querían y admiraban mucho. To Daniel the little one and also that he had a very complicated year ”, including, the compartment in Mara Patricia a phrase that has with him; “Dany and I have a phrase that is from Facundo Cabral, ‘El amor nunca se muere, solo cambia de lugar’ “I’m always jealous of you, not me,” concluded the television presenter.

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