Andrés Ibargüen revealed that America is helping and obliging to sell

Andrés Ibargüen break the silence and be rebuilt turbulent health of Club America, the cual insecure if it has a hostile atmosphere, debid to what it is llegó asentir amedrentado y amenazado in the sports aspect, however, the azulcremas querían deshacerse de él.

Including, the Colombian detailed how to be considered relegated from the team, to the extent that he is not considered by the technical team, although finally he lives another reality through the halls of Coapa and file with Santos Laguna.

“Since the title semester after the BNP Cup, I have been able to stabilize it once and for all, since it was a lesion and the lesion was covaged by Covid. It is an achievement that was first in the economy where we do not have the ability to agree“Having said that there is a possibility of salvation, with anterior prone to me huiberan dicho, yo hubiera sabido, para también mirara que no iba a unica propoesta pero ya a medon torneo es difikil”, indio en interview with Fox Sports.

“I hope the lesson has been taken ten minutes from the bank. I lie with the decision that relatively I do not have to give if I do what they decide, dije ‘nee, nee es lo que diga el klub nada más, tengo algo firmado, nee my pueden tampoco amedrentar con eso’. Hubo una charla en las cuales no se llegaba a ningún acuerdo. But there are some things that if I do not have, I would like to play as I did with some companions. Relatively speaking with respect: ‘you can decide, you have to prepare always well, if you can, you have to maintain the tranquility’ “, he explained.

With the health of Piojo I changed the situation

Ibargüen indicates that at the moment I have to think that my situation can change with the salute of Miguel Herrera and the legacy of Santiago Solari, although ultimately it is unsuccessful and subsequently marginalized.

“Empezó como que menos me tenían en cuente, entonces ya eran cosas que de pronto si ne era deportivo, era extradeportivo. Egual me seguí preparande, llegó el tempos que me habían stipiplade para prepararme cuande me di cuente de ni ni aba est star Miguel (Herrera) .Die ‘well, come a new technique, of course you can work hard to have the opportunity’. I was in the first party and then I was like a nightmare in the middle of nowhere“, remató.
