Andrés García really touches Roberto Palazuelos | Mexico | MX | GENTE

Luego que Roberto Palazuelos reveal that Andrés García the nominal heredero of 50% of all his properties, much more than that which is due to his own family, the actor collected some points about the distribution of his legacy.

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Roberto Palazuelos y Andrés García his good friends from many years ago. Hecho, the so-called ‘Black Diamond’ works like his abogado. Además, is the heredero del 50% de todas sus propiedades … o al menos eso creaía Palazuelos.

In the year 2021, he also plays actor in “Ventaneando” that García has hired as an albacea for his properties so that he could have control over these and put them in order with his family, so that the law of learning the will was given. which in reality is still giving you the power to kill all your possessions.

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Andrés García aclaró cómo está repartida exactlya su herencia (Foto: Telemundo)
Andrés García aclaró cómo está repartida exactlya su herencia (Foto: Telemundo)


Roberto Palazuelos is confounded. Andrés García announced the finals of the year 2021, when he conversed with “Hoy”, that his friends are one of his beneficiaries, but together with Margarita Portillo, his wife and wife, his husband Rosa María García, his wives Andrés and Leonardo García and the mother of these, Sandra Vale.

I believe that he interpreted the words of Roberto Palazuelos badly, that he is a great friend, he is a hijo, he is a hijo practically. 20% (for) Rosita, 20% (for) Margarita, 20% (for) Beto (Roberto Palazuelos)“, Explained the protagonist of” You or the Nadie “.

“Now is the time: ‘You will have to deal with the administration and the division of another 40 per cent’, which is divided between Andresito, Leonardo and the mother of them. Yo creo que ahí es donde se confundií Beto ”, explained Garcia.

MORE INFORMATION: Andrés García quotes the reason why he sacrificed his wife Andrea of ​​the will

In agreement with Andrés García, the mayor of Palazuelos will be taking part as a volunteer (Photo: Roberto Palazuelos / Instagram)
In agreement with Andrés García, the mayor of Palazuelos will be taking part as a volunteer (Photo: Roberto Palazuelos / Instagram)

Assimilation, sign that the mayor of Palazuelos will be willing to take his leave, and that her hernia is part of the manner in which she corresponded 10 years ago with Sandra Vale, mother of Andrés and Leonardo.

“Although he has been more than 40 years old, he has no friends and he has four matrimonial property, he has no account of her, as he has no one to help him, he says (to Palazuelos): ‘You have to keep who you are’ , and make sure that the plan Andresito and Leonardo, from which to give darles a 20 per cent, the doy a 15 per cent, and the quite a 5 per cent a each, for which a 10 per cent to his mother ‘ ”, manifested the actor.

Finally, Andrés García it is well clear that in reality Palazuelos will only quarantine with the 20 for the sake of his herence, but it will be someone who has the responsibility to repair the doors.


Según el propio Andrés García, the Mexican actor Roberto Palazuelos, 53 years old, is a unique person who is special and su vida, since the concoction when it was small, it is separate from its drawer and supports the whole moment.

“Roberto has been confirmed since he was born. De joven, Palazuelos, is what I have accompanied, is what I have agreed with ”, manifested in an opportunity the gala of 79 years.

Senala that in his moments of success was rodeo of a lot of people, but now that he has an advanced oath he abandoned all these, less his beloved friend. “Now that I’m a mayor, I’m looking at legal issues, I’ve been reading more than I did..

For his part, Palazuelos in some photos that appear in his social speeches are very content to the lad of his big friend. “Brothers forever !!! Lealtad hasta la muerte, aqui con mi gran amig de vida Andrés García ”, written.

In another image that was shared by the apparent story burning together in Roberto’s mansion. “With the legend Andrés García in our beautiful port Acapulco”. The photo generated a lot of positive reactions.

MORE INFORMATION: The history of the love of Andrés García and Roberto Palazuelos
