Andrés García hereda en vida a uno de sus hijos

In the last months, much has been said about the will and the herencia de Andrés García. And it’s a lie that the 79 – year – old actor revealed that he’s a list to go to and that he’s already done everything, respecting his well-being, varying the number of versions that empezaron ‘n omsendbrief.

In principle, the first actor has assured that he will not give anything to his heirs, then it is said that the only one who made the testamentary will be Andrea García and later transcended that his heir series Roberto Palazuelos.

Now, the actor has confirmed that his inheritance is divided into two parts, the first 50% between his husband, his wife Andrés, his wife Leonardo, the mother of this and the actual wife Margarita, while the other 50% will be for the ‘Black diamonds’; sin embargo, también resaltó que hooi another person who will benefit from his property, and who includes ya le heredó en vida.

Andrés García TVNotas

Ve: Andrés García does not want herenia to his children

Se trata del hijo de su esposa, Andresito, a quien García le tiene un gran cariño y and as a prop, it is because it decided to share one of the larger properties that it has, is the name of the acquaintance with ‘El Bosque’, which is located in Ajusco: “He also has a heart and he has his herenia en vida ”, dijo in interview for the program ‘Ventaneando’.

Andrés confesses that one of the reasons for the decision to include him in his marriage between his beneficiaries is because he has an excellent relationship, and that includes more than he who he proposes. The same situation that occurs with Palazuelos: “I have not been very close to myself, except Andresito, Margarito. If they come and go every week, but their biological biologists are degrading and other things ”, señaló.

Andrés y Margarita

On the other hand, Andrés also shared the emotion of almost 10 years of marriage with Margarita Portillo, it is clear that she was divorced: “She needs me to get a statue for the person he is holding, because the good is yours. Geen hemos planeado aún nada, pero le voy a preguntar ”, finalized.

Also: Roberto Palazuelos and Andrés García together with my content in Acapulco
