Andrea Legarreta REVELA quin es el AMOR de su vida No es su esposo, Erik Rubn? | VIDEO

A pesar de que la guapa conductor of program matutino ms importante de Amrica Latina, Andrea Legarreta finds itself in a moment of fullness, salut y xito acompaada por los seres que ms ama am mundo, su esposo Erik Rubin y sus dos hermosas hijas, Nina y Ma, quienes ya comienzan sus primeros pasos en el mundo artstico, durante su juventud rechazo salir con un un guapo cantante.

During an interview with the famous periodist Adela Micha, Andrea beken lo arrepentida que est por no haber accepted an invitation to host nd ms and nada menos que de Luis Miguel, although the result is always very chic guapo and attractive, the tambin actress confesses that she reaches the invitation debido a that ten new and the era very fiel.

Sin embargo, a pesar de haber durado ms de cinco aos con watel novio, ste termin ponindole los cuernos, motivo por el cual termin la la relacin, sin embargo, es injusto ya que ella se limit de salir con el Sol, to respect the relationship he has with his pair of eagles.

Legarreta confesses that during some salads a Acapulco, favorite favorite of the singer, is staring at her interest in her, the guest to be seated in a restaurant pozolero in the beautiful port, the singer the salute and lie of an exchange of miradas and the infamous flechazo, the singer the “mandara” an invitation to be sent by means of one of his assistants, without embarrassment she returns.

I generally recommend a team of your team to make the invitation, I believe that because there are dices that no, dices that have no chic and no a Luis Miguel, cont la guapa conductora, quin adems confirmma dat el verdadero amor de su vida es el padre de sus hijas, Erik Rubin, quien en su poca de burgemeester fama en el grupo timbiriche, ste tambin saldra con algunas de las muejeres ms guapas del momento como Paulina Rubio, Thala y Alejandra Guzmn.

She also shared that she loved “hasta cachas” and made sure that she had a very strong and passionate wife, even though she had other lovers, Erik is the lover of her life, and that she was able to enjoy her life fully and breathe it father of the seres that ms ama with toda elma, sus dos hijas Nina y Ma.

