Andrea Escalona ya piensa en casarse

Andrea Escalona surprise this week to make a ritual by Año Nuevo in the program ‘Hoy’, to watch!

The conductor of 34 years has the hope to live in pairs and with respect, express: ‘Ya prendimos una vela, pedimos de todo. Me dijo ‘La Legarreta’: ‘¡ay mana! Hay que pedir (risas) ‘”.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. unbridled in a little while, dijo: “Todavía nee, pero en algún momento sí. I do not feel good about it, I still love being in pairs and now I am very quiet and very happy.

Here is the ritual for casting:

andrea escalona boda pareja

In the program, Galilee Montijo and Andrea Legarreta le ayudaron a realizar el ritual y le dijeron: “This year is Escalona sales!”

andrea escalona boda pareja

In other themes, one months ago, the producer Magda Rodríguez The failure caused a hypovolemic shock, due to the fact that he died, one of these days passed through his party.

andrea escalona boda pareja

During the holidays, the conductor has a pause in your therapies, but details the process that should follow: “I have a psychologist, now I can talk to my doctor, because I feel like a ‘break’ (break) during these vacations. I’m suffering a lot. The spiritual bases helped me to pass the page and I got this good recovery ”, explained in an interview with the viewers of Television San Angel.
