ANALYSIS | The insurrection in the Capitol of EE.UU. there was no crisis of “third world countries”. This is an exclusively exclusive monster monster

Istanbul, Turkey (CNN) – The events that take place in Washington DC on Wednesday are not the same as in other places, in countries where there is a reference to “third world” or “undeveloped” or “all”. These are their places where, for the sake of failure, the United States of America has taken action or invaded many areas of democracy.

Ensure that it has superficial similarities in the videos of the turbo that the Capitol of EE used. UU. y, digamos, the moment in which the protesters join the Iraqi parliament in 2016. In these cases, in Iraq, the protesters have taken the arms out of the parliamentary constituency regarding the formation of a governing body and a plan requiring a reorganization property. In its majority eran partidarios of clerical radical chiita Muqtada al-Sadr, which the habitation incited to protest by el.

MIRA: ANALYSIS | “It is not the United States”: the world mirrors with horror the insurrection of the Capitol

Toma the gas lacrimogeno and explosions from Washington and can make a superficial comparison with Libya, when armed men led by General Renegade Khalifa Haftar attacked the parliament in 2014; an exaggerated crackdown, including in Kabul in 2015 when the Taliban launched a deadly attack on parliament; Egypt and 2013, the popular Sacó del Poder and Mohamed Morsi.

But what is suicidal in the United States is exclusively state-owned. It is the monstrosity of these countries, even if the monstrosities in other places (if they are allowed to exist, must be mentioned, have the support, open or encroach, from EE.UU. and Occidente) are unique in the nations that exist .

The FBI is constantly investigating Washington and Washington 1:11

The mayor of the stadiums is horrified and disgusted by what he has done, albeit with the intention that the robbers in democracy, if destroyed, with a futuristic future and lies and propaganda fiction about the most powerful of the power.

He has a letter of condolence on violence and violence that is supported by the people of other countries, such as Luchan and Mueren in the name of democracy and freedom. A testament to the rapidity that can destroy it is one of sentiment, of the fragile that it is really the social tide, that a marginal and violent minority can superior the narrative.

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The United States alone will have a moral position, or at least the faculty of a moral position. It is a position that has eroded the length of the years, including antiquities of the Trump era, with its most recent history of the invasion of Iraq with fabricated pretexts, the gathering of terrorist figures in Guantánamo Bay in the debated process, the continuous support of dictators, monarchies and autocrats which is in the interests of the United States.

The Trump era has given way to revealing the state of the United States, one that the United States can ignore, as long as it has existed. Is incorporated into the black estate assessors, police brutality and systematic racism; shows off in response to the Black Lives Matter, MeToo movement, the rise of white supremacism. And those who oppose it and its fealdad are laughing at it because they are the widow of their nation.

The concepts about what we have built our societies are fragile, more so than many of us would like to accept.

We do not despise more than the nations that are able to luchan and luchan by democracy with a moral superiority, sin with understanding and empathy.
