Anahí habla sober el contagio de su esposo al COVID-19

This is a transcendent moon that is the subject of Anahí , the Mexican politician Manuel Velasco , has taken care of COVID-19 and today the song is animated about the state of health of his father. The bank in which the Aztec senator (El Partido Verde Ecologista) informs that the celebrity is also found in his home and convalescent, presenting some sins, such as pain of heart, body, fever and respiratory failure. According to the report, Velasco is under medical medical vigilance.

Anahí y su esposo© Custom
Anahí habla about the state of health of his spouse, tras contraer the COVID-19

In addition to the doubts generated by its followers on the state of health of the RBD, and that it has not been clear if it has had a positive effect, the Anahí has ​​been abused by its speeches for its first statements of respect and recollection of what it is, wife and her children, Manuel y Emiliano, is encuentran well.

“Many thanks for their messages and caries, the four are well known, following the medical indications. If we are in his orations and the aggravation of all courage, ”he wrote.

The last time Manuel Velasco was seen in public was to be held during the RBD’s desperate meeting in a virtual concert held on December 26th. In this act also Maite Perroni, Christian Chávez and Christopher Von Uckermann.

Manuel Velasco, the wife of Anahí, and his sons© Custom
Manuel Velasco finds himself at home following medical indications
