Ana Brenda Contreras couple 34 aos the pass 24 of december, a complicated date to celebrate one a ms de vida, pero that she approves to pass with her family. Guapa actriz comenz su carrera muy joven y este 2020 ha sido un gran ao para su vida professional.
In the ltimos das los internautas la mantienen en las bsquedas por el look de princesa que eligi para pasar su cumpleaos and the Navidad, and for the emotional congratulations he received on the part of his friends and work partner Julin Gil, who travs from his account of Instagram the express amount to the quiere and what it means to l.
Ana Brenda Contreras joins Frida Kahlo
The Mexican-American actress is one of the ms rostros ms bellos of the artistic medium, his clear eyes and his great talent he helped to distance himself from the famous.
In July of this year, Contreras le rindi tributo a la pintora mexicana Frida Kahlo, a look with the deletion to his casi 7 million followers, quienes quedaron encantad with his pain of trenza and a tocado of roses that the hizo detach the color of his ojos.

The publication that accompanies a message celebrating a Kahlo for the sake of its accomplices, fue miles of veces commented with posted messages with those whose fans demonstrate the cario that sinten by her. Adems del peinado, Ana Brenda eligi una blusa blusa y un artesanal collar par hacer juego con el look.