An employee of Land Rover received 808 permits for sick leave and eviction, asking for company and guana the juice

The labor costs of the worker cost the British company $ 130,000.

An employee of the Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) company, dispatched 808 freebies on leave – what the company suspects is an erosion of dollars in miles – has won the legal battle that is being waged against English motoring. a tribunal that would have improvised his decision, informs the local diary Birmingham Live.

Vic Rumbold, who worked for 20 years in the JLR factory near Castle Bromwich (Tierras Occidentals), fue despedido of 2018 for reasons of “conduct and competence”, according to dictation, an internal investigation into the company.

The extractor recruited to the Birmingham Labor Court, giving improper disposition, and the juveniles apprehended the reasoning: concluded that JLR did not adequately apply its claims Procedural Management Procedures despido “.

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Following the fall, antes de despedirlo tenía la empresa haber seguido “sus propios procedimos” y, as a consequence, refer to its employee “assessment or [hacerle] an advertisement regarding his auspices and the need to improve in order to avoid an additional sanction “.” From the moment the decision is taken to decide on the claimant, there is a sanction to be found within the range of reasonable answers available. [en sus procedimientos]”, reza el fallo.

Jon Carter, company management manager, calculates the cost of the 808 work days that the worker works for reasons of salud, lesions en el trabajo e, incluso, por una presunto ataque, and insured in court that all of them were charged the cost to the automotive giant 95,850 pounds sterling (one 130,000 dollars). Sostuvo adds that the applicant “did not hold a solo year, since 2000, with a full record of assistance”.

The same year of his despair, Rumbold presented problems with the framework and the diagnostician avecular necrosis, which causes chronic pain. Due to accident, no work will take place between March 12th and August 13th. According to the same method, when the company has knowledge of the vehicle, the proposal that assumes alternative roles, one of the numbers consists in inspecting the register numbers of each car, a tariff that can be sent. Without embarrassment, in the finals of the year, and will pass through various tariffs, the despicieron porque, segun el gerente, caresia of all enthusiasm to reintegrate into work.

At present, the Tribunal has not established a figure for the compensation that must be received from the exemplar.

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