‘An embarrassing day for San Francisco’

San Francisco school district officials on Wednesday denounced a lawsuit alleging violating state law regarding school reopening, calling the allegations frivolous, petty and embarrassing.

City Attorney Dennis Herrera, who filed the lawsuit earlier in the day, said he decided to take the school board and superintendent to court because they did not do their job by not having a specific plan to get students back in the to get classrooms.

Instead, he said, they voted to rename 44 schools and want to change the admission process to Lowell High School.

“Private and parochial schools in San Francisco have found out,” Herrera said in a statement. ‘Teaching must personally be the Board of Education, but must not rename schools that are empty or change the admission policy if teachers are not in the classroom. It’s a shame we have to take them to court to find out, but enough is enough. ”

The unprecedented lawsuit is the latest in an ongoing battle over when and how the city’s public schools should reopen to 52,000 students. The district said late last year that the first schools would reopen at the end of January, but later canceled the plan due to continued labor negotiations.
