An Egyptian chef was arrested for making cupcakes in the shape of penises and vaginas

In Egypt a cupcakes with adornos of penises and vaginas cost a arrest and a multitude to the panada that the horn
In Egypt a cupcakes with adornos of penises and vaginas cost a arrest and a multitude to the panada that the horn

An Egyptian landlord has been arrested for failing to sell cupcakes in the shape of pennies for a private party party held at the Gezira Sporting Club, a sports club of an acaudalado bar of El Cairo.

The insolvency case is the ultimate example of the intentions of the Egyptian State to control public morality, which tends to make women their favorite white.

The chef was arrested at his home, despite the fact that the assistants shared the photos of the cupcakes in his social speeches. which has penis and vagina adorns.

According to Egyptian local media outlets, security forces will make statements from present witnesses to identify the chief’s procedure in prosecuting.

The cupckaes are adorned with penises and vaginas on petition from the organizers of the private party.
The cupckaes are adorned with penises and vaginas on petition from the organizers of the private party.

In this case, the attention of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ashraf Sobhy, who oversees clubs like Gezira. Sobhy says that his department forms a committee to investigate the incident and investigate the alleged perpetrators.

The panel has been interrogated by the tribunal of minor offenders who recently sued Egyptian actress Rania Youssef over charges of “Disclaimer on Islam in Violation of Egyptian Family Values”, lie of commenting on his physical property during a television program.

The principles of this month, TikTok’s influential women who have spent their pen pals in the past have been violating “violating family values” and undermining public morality fueron absueltas.

In June 2020, the reconnaissance bailarina del vientre Sama El Masry was imprisoned for three years and fined 300,000 Egyptian pounds (equivalent to USD 19,064) for violating family values ​​and “immorality”.

Each of these hechos has been extensively covered by the Egyptian media, as in the case of the cupcakes are shared photos taken of the “offensive” decorations, which can be described by Al Ahram, the most important periodical of Egypt as “Indecent and immoral forms”.

The pictures were taken in social speeches by the party assistants.
The pictures were taken in social speeches by the party assistants.

At one level, it is difficult not to surprise initially by the absurdity of the cupcakes in the form of money that attracts the attention of state taxpayers, police investigators, members of parliament and the press controlled by the regime. The measure of support is not the prohibition of sexuality in the public sphere, but the restriction of sexuality that is the control of men ”, in honor of Timothy E Kaldas, of the Tahrir Institute of Politics for the Middle East, in an article published by The Guardian.

Agreed with the media Al Masry Al Youm, the pastel was established when he entered the Fiscalía in El Cairo. During his interrogation he declared that the club’s customers “Vinieron a mi tienda y me entregaron Fotografías de genitales, y me pidieron pasteles en estas formas”.

Finally, the boss was able to release him, but he was forced to pay a fine of 5,000 EGP (USD 318).


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