An early build of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was found, in which a link to Navi could turn

A development of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

was discovered and it reveals a running look at Kakariko Village, an early arc test, and that Link could have turned into Navi via the Soul Medallion. Eurogamer, this demo, showcased at Spaceworld ’97, was found on an old N64 developer cartridge used to hold F-Zero X. After further inspection, the Zelda demo building was found, and although partially salvaged – there was still much to see.

Devided by Forest of Illusion on Twitter, one of the most surprising revelations was that Link was able to turn to Navi via the Soul Medallion. As you can see in the images below of @MrCheeze and @ Zeru64, he would have been able to fly on the map and still have his Master Sword and Hylian Shield;

With other medals he would be able to throw and disperse fire at will, if he was in danger, and more.

We also get a look at another Hyrule @MrTalida:

A more basic and less developed Kakariko Village of @shanebattye:

An archery test from which you also drive Epona @MrTalida and @xdanieldzd:

Here we get a look at what Link’s Pegasus Boots could be @ zel640, who apparently made the final game as the slightly modified Hover Boots:

Some of the translated text also suggests that the story of Ocarina of Time originally played out a little differently. One says that the Deku tree would be a prison for fairies where Link would have to free Navi.

For more information on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, check out our original review, a mud’s new adventure created in the Ocarina of Time engine, and other Ocarina of Time discoveries of the Nintendo Gigaleak – what else of this is.

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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.
