An eagle tiburón ‘con alas’ is released by the seas of Mexico 93 million years old (PHOTOS)

I recently discovered escuelo nadaba by water mites similar to mantarrays, and it appears to feed on filters and engrave carnations that appear on plankton.

The Aquilolamna milarcae, an agile tiburine with alas in the form of alas that has 93 million years old is released by the sea in what is now the northernmost part of Mexico, acaba to be discovered by a group of scientists from France and Germany. The investigation, based on criminal records held in the state of New Leon (Mexico) in 2012, was published in the journal Science.

The animal, which lived in the Cretaceous – and said, during the era in which the dinosaurs reinaban en la Tierra-, was more specific to the areas and mantar areas that any type of existing tiburon has Unusual proportions. It’s bound to its lateral large larvae, which it has more ancho than long, with a radius of 1.9 meters and a longitudinal section of 1.65 meters.

“If you can use many adjectives to describe it in this book: unusual, unique, extraordinary, extra, rare. Sí, es el unico tiburón that is more anchor than long “, quoted Reuters as the words of Romain Vullo, vertebrae paleontologist and principal author of the study.

These antifouling tiburones are carried by the water in the manner of the contemporary mantles, and are fed to the filter and engulfed in carcasses.

Between the characteristics of the Aquilolamna milarcae distaca su cabeza corta, con hocico no indiferenciado y boca ancha, mientras que su cola y la aleta caudal eran 2000-like the many tiburones actuales.

Tenia peculiarities that the vinculan tanto con the tiburones comedores de plancton and with traditional corporal forms, as with the mantas and rayas devil of corpus aplanado. Probe ban, es and definitive a model of convergent evolution, it is said, when different organisms evolve into independent forms with similar species.

Un factor clave no preservative

The mayor’s part of the Aquilolamna milarcae’s skeletal skeleton is hello in good condition, he does not approve of the difference with his dentition, which impedes his full knowledge of his anatomy.

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“If there is a discovery opmerklik, but only the hall of other well-preserved specimens, about everything with teeth, you can read about it the vertebral anatomy of this tiburon, as well as being actually fed by filtration “, said Kenshu Shimada, professor of paleontology at DePaul University in Chicago.

If the cause of the extinction of this type of filter cartridges is discussed, then the above-mentioned scientists contribute to the collision against the Earth of a asteroid 65.5 million years ago.
