An awkward classroom acacia with a viral discussion between the professor and a well-known poet

In order to create attractive methods so that students can learn differently, some professors can make mistakes based on their ambition. The poet and writer Luna Miguel has posted one of these cases on his Twitter account that also sparked a discussion between her and the professor in question.

The poet explained that several alumni of the bachelor’s were inundated with their band of private messages with petitions. On the other hand, the students lead some of his works in class and the professor animates what he writes in his social speeches with the incentive to write the note if he receives it. Asi lo hicieron.

Tras ver lo sucedido, Luna Miguel has written a text explaining that he reads that his texts are working in class, but that the methodology that some professors employ does not appear to be correct: “That the best or only note of lxs alumnxs depends on them This day was less than enough for me to walk to the floor to answer, or as long as he had a good day, if he had terminated all his responsibilities immediately, I would have done justice to them for me ”. Además, comment that it is not the first time that he has lived a similar situation.

His words and tenets are quite repercussions on Twitter. Auntie, who had told the professor that he was collecting this curious work on his alumni, decided to write a reply message with a final call to no apaciguadora.

“Good night just writing to tell you that he read some messages from my alumni, he lost his hand. Lo han hecho porque hoy en clase hemos viso tu poesía entre otros autore y como actividad tenían que indagar en vuestro perfil, leer, comentar, etc y les he sugerido en plan ironico que si conseguían vuestra respuesta tendrían un plus. They are responsible for doing their job, not pretending to depend on anything important like the note of a Bachelor. Thank you for all the forms for your No access to the readers ”, reads the message.

A message that the poet also published in speeches receiving decades of support samples.

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