An alternative medicine center that commercializes covid-19 false vacancies is closed

A interinstitutional operative takes place on the media of this March 26, 2021, in a center of alternative therapies placed in the bar Caupicho, on de Quito. Following the authorities of the Municipality, they are all subject to commercialization false vacancies to patients who covid-19 contrajeron.

César Díaz, Secretary of Security and Governance of Alcaldía, information to be collected testimonies of persons who accudieron to ese establishment. “Kyk na 10 turnos diarios ofreciéndoles cure coronavirus and also other health problems “. In las investigators verified that the dune of this center is located 70,000 doses. Add to that $ 15 for this site supuesta vacuna and each person has to receive three doses.

Cristian Paredes, submitting to Pichincha, signaled that the denunciations would be recorded a week ago. “If this is a job of Intelligence for its part Municipality. We have photos, videos and arguments are sufficient to show the little practice that is being realized “.

When the operative commences, the patients are found to be in danger desalojados. The owner of the center of alternative medicine, Lucía Peñafiel, manifests itself as not proportioning vacancies, its vitamins and suuros to subdue the defenses of the persons.

We also deal with rayos láser and with lucine machines infrared. “He has 20,000 coronavirus patients here already treated”. También les daba vitamin C, paracetamol y voltarén for women with column pain.

In this place, the users no utilizaban mascarilla and is agglomerated while hoping for turns to attend. Peñafiel indicates that his local police officers, soldiers and officers Presidency of the Republic, women are waiting for infrared therapy. “The weight calories that work like oxygen oxygen”.

The vecinos are molested when they arrive the authorities and pidieron that are not clause el local. “I was sick of covid-19 and the doctorate my salvo. I believe that the Virgencita le protege ya nosotros también porque somos devotos. There have been illegals in very poor conditions “, account Angélica Masa.

“I have a 90 year old daughter who is adalante con vitamin C and with the treatment at the bedside, as was during these months “, manifesto Carmen Parra. Acotó que 12 familes tuvieron el mismo problem y Viteri los curó.

Isabel Bunshe and her husband José Chávez también se enfermaron. “I had to take him to the hospital and I did not leave. The path to the center of alternative medicine and it’s good, now there’s a lot of work for mantenernos “.

In the intervention of high-ranking officials of the Metropolitan Control Agency, the Police Intelligence, the Security Secretariat, the Metropolitan Agents Corps, the Ministry of Health and the National Regulatory Agency, Control and Vigilance Sanitary (Arcsa).

In its Twitter account, the AMC informs “we will close a clandestino medical center where a ‘vacuna’ is offered for the covid-19 without any type of operation or permission from the competent authorities. Initiate a sanction lawsuit against the two parties to this transaction “.
