An airfoil assistant mires the ventilator instantly in anticipation of failure and provides a possible catastrophe

The alas of the aeronaut are covered by a thick cape of snow and ice.

One of the assisted flight attendants of the Aerierline frontier Airlines boarded a plane preparing to depart from Nashville, Tennessee, to avoid a possible catastrophic air crash on the ventanilla and to catch one of the aeronautics’s. cloud cover, informs the past news Fox News.

Following on from the Mentour Pilot portal, the haberdasher flew the 15th of February aboard the F9-7011 flight to Las Vegas, Nevada, currently flying the Airbus A321, go to the piste of despegue, although it was solely transcended during the first week of March.

Tras informs the captain of the flight, the aeronaut regressed to the embankment gate. A more detailed inspection reveals the presence of a cape of approximately 30 centimeters of snow and ice on both heels, algo que pudo haber puesto en peligro a los passenger en la tripulación.

Appearance of the employees of the cargo of anti-healing treatment, Trego Dugan, if they are stabbing the anticonvulsant fluid, for which the need of necessity is not to be waived. Prohibition of probation, no information from the pilots.

Desde Frontier Airlines confirms the incident, insisting that the safety of passengers is its maximum priority and that it does not use the services of the company responsible for the anti-theft treatment.

In addition, Trego Dugan assures us that this type of situation has not occurred in more than 50 years and promises, in addition, that strict measures will be taken to prevent anything from becoming a nuisance.

If it looks interesting, I agree with my friends!
