An African police officer asks Virginia police officers about the gun and intimidate them into their car

A military estadounidense negro and latino asked the Virginia police for a December traffic march during which agents would lend their arms to him, use phrase phrases, spray gas and gunpowder. The Demander, Caron Nazario, sustain that its constitutional rights would cause injuries.

The scene took place in the images of the corporate chambers of the police and in the cellular of the plaintiff. Our NBC News obituary is based on images of Nazario’s lawyer, Jonathan Arthur.

Nazario, who is a second tenant in the Ejército, manejaba by the Windsor principal block, a Virginia people, with a policy of letting go of the spear. The agent in question, Daniel Crocker, said on the radio that he was trying to detain a vehicle without a trace and with polarized windows.

[“Llamé a la Policía para denunciar a policías”: los estremecedores testimonios en el segundo día del juicio por la muerte de George Floyd]

According to its version, the leader is “eluding the police”, considering what this situation is like a “high-risk traffic parade”, giving information that is presented posteriorly and included in the judicial process.

Joe Gutierrez’s police raided Caron Nazario’s gas station, a second of Ejército’s, at a Virginia gas station during a traffic stop. Windsor Police via AP / AP

Nazario avanzó “a baja velocidad”, according to the agent’s agent, and paris more adelante, in a gasoline with lighting. His lawyer defends himself when he says he has nothing to do with the police, saying “for the safety of the officials and for respect for the officials”.

When he was stationed at the gasoline, Crocker saluted his patrol and pointed his gun at him, ordering that the manhole man be blown away. Nazario, who wears a uniform of Ejército, preguntó varias veces “qué est passando”, y dejó las manos a la vista en el lado de la ventanilla.

Another agent, Joe Gutierrez, heard a call from his radio company meanwhile driving his service car to the scene. He also pointed the gun at the conductor.

First Gutierrez ordered Nazario to deliver the manuscripts and show them and ask them what he was doing. He complied. When, however, with aggressive tone, the police pissio various times that bajara del carro.

At one point, the agent tells Nazario that he is “get ready to drive lightning ” [una expresión en inglés que se refiere a la silla eléctrica y que también se pronuncia en Milagros Inesperados, una película sobre un hombre negro que se enfrenta a la ejecución].

Nazario le dijo que trabaja en el Ejército y, después, ante la repetition de la orden de bajarse, contestó: “Honestamente tengo miedo de bajarme”. Gutierrez le contestó: “Deberías”.

[Desde Eugene Williams hasta George Floyd: un siglo de rebelión contra la violencia racista en EE.UU.]

“¿Qué he hecho?”, Dijo Nazario, “no he cometido ningún crimen”. One of the policies is the contest that Iban has to detain. Nazario defends tenths to the officers that during a no-traffic traffic parade that crashes into the car, while Crocker intends to open the door of the vehicle.

Después, Gutierrez rocó with gas gas in Nazario.

Most importantly, the officers following the director who is bailing on the car, made sure that this means that he is happy to hire a superior of the agents. Gutierrez responded with “golpes de rodilla” en las piernas, tirándolo al suelo, following the request of Nazario.

The agents are the golpearon varia veces, luego lo esposaron e interrogaron, segun la demand. A medical unit interviewed to wait for the man arrested.

According to the petitioner, the captured videos captured images that show a situation “in the line of a repugnant tendency in the agents of the forces of the Order, women, believing that they can operate with total impunity, cometen abuse of professional authority descorts , racialmente sesgados, peligrosos ya veces mortales “.

NBC News received comments on the agents involved in the case and the police union. It is the hope of a response. The news agency The Associated Press I would also like to comment, but I do not have any answers yet.

According to the information provided by the proposed agents during the success, we ensure that Nazario “actively resists” its orders in varying moments during the exchange.

[Muere una mujer negra baleada por la policía cuando dormía con su novio en su casa en Kentucky]

In agreement with the demand, the officials superstitiously declared the Nazarene, who, if he were, the perpetrator of crimes such as obstruction, deception and attacking an official, who could destroy his military career. The other option that the animal was not to attribute cargos “if it calms down and should not go away”, aggravates the denunciation.

They say in it that they are hiccuping so that Nazario does not commit a “double incrimination” debit and that he is an active member of the Ejército and therefore intervenes in the military justice. “There will be no question of his career being ruined by a bad decision,” Gutierrez said.

Nazario escaped on his way through the corridor. Finally, the police do not denounce it.

Asked how he found out about it sued, his objection to the AP agency: “Definitely not found very well”.

More information on NBC News, AP, vice news.
