An adult mayor and CDMX are a big member of an adult

The CDMX has applied more than 1 million vacancies against COVID-19 (Photo: CDMX)
The CDMX has applied for more than 1 million vacancies against COVID-19 (Photo: CDMX)

Transmission of a video will be watched on a enfermera simulando inyectar ‘n un adulto burgemeester, la Secretaría de Salud of the City of Mexico, together with the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), offer a disclaimer and inform the debtor of his / her accusation vacancy.

The hechos ocurrieron este dos de april de la Unidad Macro Vacunadora con sede en la Escuela Nacional de Ciencia Biologógicas Unidad Zacatenco, from the National Institute of Political Science (IPN), donde lawillaria cometió el “feil” al no aplicar nada ‘n un adulto burgemeester.

In the scattered grabbing, the nurse explains the process of injecting a male mayor. Posteriormente the “pica” el brazo con la jeringa e immediately medamenta la saca sin introduce the biologist in its body.

The images cause great indignation in social speeches from the citizens exhorting the authorities to make responsible; in addition, alert that quiz is not the first case of an injection in colocada.

Vacation in CDMX (Photos: Gobierno CDMX)
Vacation in CDMX (Photos: Gobierno CDMX)

“Preoccupied with what is in this video, habría que revisar a cuantos le han hecho lo mismo, ni le aplican ninguna vacuna“, A user shared the video.

Not only does not apply to anything, and how much does it change jeringa, so there is an exchange of all types of illnesses of the hepatitis that are known to be venereal, in 40 days we say that we are healthy ”; “With this simple technique, the Mexican governing government in a short time will become super-active in vacancies and the whole population will be evacuated,” criticizes.

“This hecho was reported by a familiar companion of the adult mayor, to women if they offer a disclaimer and proceed to apply the vacancy in a correct manner, without major complications in the presence of his family, that he has confirmed the procedure and information in his social speeches that corrects the situation “, said the dependence in his communication.

Asimismo, detail that the professional who appeared in the video was captured by the authorities to give his permission to inject the antigen against COVID-19.

(Photo: CDMX)
(Photo: CDMX)

“Be informed that the volunteer vacancy fue retiree of the vacancy leave correspondent ”.

Cabe record that antes are reported cases of adult persons who were evacuated with air. A license in Sonora and the other in the municipality of Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico.

In the case of Tlalnepantla, the families of the woman of the third edunciaron that the application is not actually the vacancy have revised to detail the video of the application.

The hechos ocurrieron el mercoles 31 de marzo en el module de vacunación del Parque Hidalgo, donde Francisca Robles fue inyektada con una jeringa vacía com se se aprecia en un video grabado por una de sus nietas.

In the pictures it is appreciated that the nurse has the ring in one hand and in another algae with alcohol to disinfect the brazier of the adult mayor, when he does let go of the tapering to the ring and never empty the coat of arms; sin embargo, inyecta a la mujer con aire.

Respectfully, the coordinator of the Institute of Health of Edomex, Javier Lozano, who indicates that there is a charge of any medical attention required by the adult mayor, in addition to will be investigated in this case with an antitrust exam to determine if the administration is not biological, informs the television news Telediario.

In the event that it is determined that no vaccine will be applied, Francis will be immunized, aseguró.


The injecting air into the living room against the COVID-19: this is the second case documented in Mexico
Controversy in Sonora tras “vacunar” with jeringa vacia to adult mayor; super delegated foot discuspas
Coronavirus in Mexico April 3: 1,838 new cases and 157 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours
