An abuse of Syria cayó in the neighborhoods of a center of nuclear investigation in Israel

Archive photo: a missing cohort from Gaza hacia Israel (EFE / EPA / HAITHAM IMAD)
Archive photo: a missing cohort from Gaza hacia Israel (EFE / EPA / HAITHAM IMAD)

A missile coming from Syria cayó este mercoles en los alrededores del Centro de Investigación de Israel en Dimona, haciendo sonar las sirenas de alerta en la region. Poco despues cases of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) atacaron the battery from where it was launched, to indicate official sources

I agree with the periodic reports The Jerusalem Post, residents in the streets of Abu Qrenat, where the first sirens sound, and in Jerusalem, 75 kilometers north, dijeron haber escuchado “fuertes explosiones”.

The IDF also confirmed that the IDF dispararon un misil Patriot, part of Israel’s defense system, through the detection of the projectile launched from Syria.

Agreed with the official communication, deals with an anti-aircraft missile fired from Syria in the direction of Israel. It was not clear whether it was due to Israeli aircraft, and failed, or whether it was launched for another reason. The project was launched in the desert of Néguev, near Abu Qrenat and Dimona, without provoking the dead or the dead.

In response, israeli cases atacaron batteries antiaéreas sirias displayed on the front, including those from where the missile launched in the Negev was launched.

A terrestrial missile identified as the Syrian cayenne in the Negev. In retaliation (…) the Israeli bombed the battery since the launch of the missile and other batteries of tierra-aire missiles ”, dijo el ejército israeli en un breve mensaje.

Dimona, located in the south of the country, alberga al Néguev Nuclear Research Center Shimon Peres, a key element in Israel’s nuclear program. The zone no suele is blank of attacks with cohetes.

Following the official agency of Syria, the Israeli air force launched missiles from the Golan Heights “Against positions in the mediation of Damascus”.

“Our anti-missile battery interceptor missiles and hizo caer the majority of them in this aggression that causes heralds to soldiers and some material donors”, aggregate the Syrian agency, which cites a local military source.

In the past, the Israeli court has indicated that the sirens alerting to potential attacks will be activated near the Bedouin community of Abu Qrenat, located a few kilometers from the center of Dimona.

Israel will ensure that it avoids having its main enemy, Iran, to be implanted in Syria, with limited borders with the Hebrew State. The Israeli government has carried out hundreds of bombings in Syria on rare occasions and has publicly reconciled them.

The Mayor of Syria has been intercepted by the Israeli anti-missile team “Israeli Dome”.

The Saturday the Iranian press había equipped precisely with attacking the installations in Dimona in retaliation for the sabotage against the Natanz Nuclear Research Center, held on April 11 in Iran, which Tehran attributed to Israel, according to the diary The Times of Israel. Iran is not launching this type of attack from its own territory, and in general it is doing so in Syria, Iraq or Yemen, countries with an important presence and where it is financing large groups.

Israeli forces attack the battery from the launch of the missile (archive)
Israeli forces attack the battery from the launch of the missile (archive)

Consequently, the surrounding defenses of the Fueron Potential Research Center in the last few days.

The Néguev Nuclear Research Center

Israel’s nuclear installations in the Negev, rebuilt in 2018 with the fall of President Shimon Peres, were built in 1958 on the site of Dimona.

The complex included n reactor nuclear refrigerator with agua pesada and there are other constructions that Israel uses to carry out research into science and nuclear energy.

For the international community, without embarrassment, Dimona is one of the pillars of Israel’s nuclear arm program, which the country officially does not pose.

The Sabotage in Natanz

April 11, Iran’s Iranian Nuclear Subterranean Nuclear Installation without energy, Pocas has been able to put in place new advanced centrifugal vehicles capable of enriching uranium most rapidly, in an incident described by an Iranian legislator as a probable “sabotage” and by intelligence officers as identified as a possible kiberataque.

El companzjo nuclear power of Natanz and Iran (EFE / Abedin Taherkenarh / Archivo)
El companzjo nuclear power of Natanz and Iran (EFE / Abedin Taherkenarh / Archivo)

The notice of the incident coincided with the Israel Legacy of the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, in a visit to maintain talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. United States, Israel’s principal social security body, is in the process of reintroducing the 2015 nuclear deal destined to limit Tehran’s program in order to be able to deploy a nuclear force.

Natanz was built in large part of the earth to resist the air attacks of the enemy. Converted to a key point of the Western Hemisphere on the Iranian nuclear program in 2002, when satellite photos showed Iran building a subterranean centrifugal installation on the site, some 200 kilometers south of the capital, Tehran.

The kernkrag complex is one of the sites that is standing monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (OIEA) en virtud del acuerdo kernfirma en 2015 entre Iran y seis grandes potencias.


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