Among the abrasions of his hair and aromas of comedy, Ashley Marie Torres Feliciano recalls his life in prison

The life of Ashley Marie Torres transforms through the travels. Steps of adolescence in adulthood and closing eyes. The only remedy that sorevivir lies is that the system launches the accelerated form into a conviction for what it has not prepared. Ten apenas 16 years.

“Past of the institution of minorities in Ponce to (the women’s street of) Vega Alta Alta being a nena. Although we are in a minor module, Vivian also has adult women. It’s very difficult… people who sobrevivir, learn to create more malice ”, related Torres interviewed El Nuevo Día.

Ashley’s judicial system of adulthood and the imposition of a condition of 111 years will be summoned as the cohabitant of a person who always claims to be innocent. Mientras, the author material of the hechos complete less than 11 years of imprisonment. “You have to go through many difficult processes, but always with the front at the top”, said.

Each one of these processes, although difficult, transforms. ‘Antes era otra Ashley. Obviously, one is young and one always has to keep the youth, because whoever does not like to share at any moment, be with the family or quizzes, pues, and some activity, but he changed. My character, my way of talking, many things ”, reconciliation.

From the moon, Ashley wanted to embrace freedom, but -more-more he wanted to ten between his braces to the little one of the two who had been dating ten years ago. The governor Wanda Vázquez Garced the accedio is paid for clemency and the condition is a conditional induction for a term of 10 years, a period in which it tends to be supplemented by a series of conditions, which is monitored electronically for one year.

“Me acosté con mi hija en la cama a hablar y ella pegadita a mí, riendonos, compartiendo…”, relation of what was part of the night of ayer when regresso to casa junto a su hija y su madre, Lucrecia Feliciano, quien for the past decade has been mantuvo in ferre defense of his hija.

Complicity with his wife

Because of the distance years, the complicity between Ashley and his wife, Nashaliz, is natural. Fue ella, quien la mantuvo de pie en espera de esa nueva oportunidad que hasta la semana pasada le había sido negada. “What else motivates me at this time? Mi hija y la fe, porque yo siempre le decía a mi nena: ‘juntas lo vamos a lograr y juntas vamos a tirar los 111 globos’ ”, relató.

In the hogar respected the allegory that provoked the allegation of being loved after years of austerity. For Ashley, there is a new look at the mountains, the sensation of fresh air, the smell of the high hut in the house and the quality of a mother and a hen, among other things are their friends.

The ceremony to launch the 111 globes, representing one of those years and the ones that were sent, is on the agenda. It is also important to note that the cement will be removed from the stove and a soap that will fail to fill the container. “I want to study, work… when I want to be more active, in the high (superior school) would like to be aborted, but now I will try other things to see what I like or what I do not like ”, dijo al recognize that he thought of studying criminal justice to help women, like her, advertise a new opportunity.

Sharing his testimony with the young, through Charles and a book, is also on his list of priorities. “The cell is small. There are two options, the death or death sentence, yes, one can share and separate the mind, but all with a limited amount. He entered the 16 (years) and connected 28 (years), or see, 11 years lost. I can not think as I thought before and so it is what I have to say, ”he said.

Lucrecia Feliciano Quiñones, 60 years old, is now a member of his company.  Ashley Marie Torres Feliciano, who was born 11 years ago.
Lucrecia Feliciano Quiñones, 60 years old, is now a member of his company. Ashley Marie Torres Feliciano, who was born 11 years ago.

Never lose the fairy

Afirmation that no one loses the fairy tale to turn into a house that, at the moment, has the freedom of aliyah. Pero one day to the gate of the Inocence Project, conducted by the licensed Julio Fontanet, in love with a lover and his illusion is empty. ‘Yo always has tenido, because he is always ignorant … always he orado and confidant in the Senor. It was like a lucha (internal), but it was always held and I was in the time of God ”, sostuvo.

When the Innocence Project assumes Ashley’s representation, it will find that the Department of Justice suppresses evidence that it is proceeding with a new verdict. This solicitation was lodged with the Supreme Court, however, in a divided decision, provided that the evidence in dispute was cumulative because it was not sufficient to grant a new judgment.

The allegations made by Ashley were recalled on February 21, 2009, in the middle of a family affair, with his wife and stepfather Steven Quirindongo, the golfer on various occasions, as part of a pattern of violence. The men of her, to enter from the careless, enfrantan the aggressor and generate the game that the occasion of the death of one of them, Nelson Torres Feliciano.

Ashley Marie Torres Feliciano was 11 years in prison.
Ashley Marie Torres Feliciano was 11 years in prison.
