Amnesty International signal to Bukele’s governor for human rights violations

Go to the arbitrary detention centers of Gobierno in the event of a pandemic and expose the contagion to citizens in situations of contention. The signal informs also the discreditation of Bukele against periodicals and organizations that the money accounts for the use of funds.

The salvage of human rights in El Salvador has been delayed in the 2020-2021 International Amnesty International report to recover only the arbitrary detentions of citizens and confiners in situations with precarious sanitary conditions, as well as the organization deed with the repair of the victims of the conflict by Nayib Bukele’s governor.

Violation of the right of salvation is the first in the list of signals to the Bukele administration. According to the report, Amnistía Internacional (AI) calls for arbitrary detentions and the confinement of more than 2,000 people, which could have caused potential contact between the centers and those who were forced to complete the quarantine, not following sanitary conditions.

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Every year, this international organization is integrated for 10 million people, following the situation of human rights in the Independent countries and which are subject to a change of accounts, the information said.
“The centers (of confinement or confinement) do not comply with the international standards of sanitary and physical distance conditions, which expose the internal persons in them to a huge inconvenience of COVID-19 contact”, said the informant.

In view of the arbitrary detentions, AI said that the detainees for failing to comply with the mandatory quarantine in their domiciles, “were held at police centers or police officers who committed a crime”.

On March 21, 2020, Executive Decree No. 12 renamed “Extraordinary Prevention and Concentration Medium for Declaring the National Territory as Zoned Subject to Sanitary Control, at the End of Containing the Pandemic COVID-19”. This implies that the governor imposes a series of restrictive measures, between them on the front lines, the paralysis of economic activity and the closure of citizens in their homes, only allowing a member of the family to sell food, medicine some health emergence.

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The governing body made it clear: the decree was established to be in place at the time, except for an emergency or the need to reduce food. Who does not enforce the restrictions, decrees the decree, and does not justify what is circulating in the calls, calls for “criminal and civil liability”.

Attorneys and some custodial organizations that this Decree shall apply to the Police and Force Armada the discretion to detain citizens in a discretionary manner and to commence redress.

These cities are only owned by bartenders or confinement centers, as well as exhibitions such as criminal offenses. And this includes somatían a escarnio: obligaban a hacer physical exercises and repeat that no volverían to violate the media between otros that fueron denunciados and otros expuestos in videos in social speeches.

The decree issued also establishes that the pillars without justification in the private sector of the effective aid that the governor owes, of $ 300 monthly per hogar.

While doing so, confined to content centers, denounced the lack of adequate conditions, which do not practice coronavirus testing or whether testing is delayed in response, as many denounce more than 30 days.

Many citizens will attend the Constitutional Hall. The Amnesty International informs that only between March 13 and May 27, 330 court cases and 61 amparo petitions will be presented to this Court.

“In many of these cases, the affected persons are affected by the conditions of the inadequate containment centers, which carry limescale and potable water products, and which do not require medical treatment for chronic diseases”, double AI.

Además recoge del datum de la Procuraduría para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de haber recibido entre marzo y mayo 44 denuncias de persona detenidas que dijeron padecer dolencias previas.

The report covers the case of a diabetic woman and a mother of three years who salia to buy foods and medicines for her to be detained and stored for more than one month in precarious conditions and exposure to the virus.

La Sala revierte detenciones pero gobierno no acata

The Constitutional Court has finally determined that the legal bases authorities are required to file between them as centers of law and include any person who declares that they have been detained while selling food or medicine.

Joven baled by police in San Julián during compulsory quarantine. Photo EDH / Archive

In this case, I would like to record the request presented in favor of three women who, in Jiquilisco, Usulután, were detained by the military on the same day that the only mandatory duty was given to them with the food they had to buy for their families. . Three days of detention in the police delegation.

The Sala also ordered the decision of these arbitrary detentions and the immediate release of these persons, as well as the realization of virus tests. But the governor of Bukele did not solely question the Sala tildándola of requesting faculties and favoring the propaganda of COVID-19, meaning that he would not complete the sentences and follow the detentions and the confinement.

Amnistía also signaled to the governor salvadoreño the excessive use of the force by the state agents and mention of examples, one of them by a young man from Sonsonate who salio with his moto to buy comedy and combi, pero one of the golf policies and le disparó en la pierna. On Tuesday, the Fiscalía ordered the detention of the police agent.

“The Law Enforcement for the Defense of the Human Rights retrieves hundreds of violations of human rights violations committed by the security forces, including excessive force and malicious treatment, during the application of the quarantine,” he said.

También is also informed by the Bukele veto of Legislative Decree 620 that it guarantees a life and bio-security team for the sanitary staff, even if it is known that health personnel are contagious and the lack of equipment adequate. This Decree was adopted by the Constitutional Court.

No repair and war victims

Amnesty International also denounces it as the governing body of the Legislature and has not complied with the families of the victims of the war that broke out in the country and killed more than 70,000 people.

“The Legislative Assembly did not approve the Law for the Integral Reconciliation and Protection of Human Rights Defenders and for the Guarantee of Human Rights and Defender Human Rights, which project has been presented before the Assembly in 2018”, said the informant.

In February, Doolsteen AI, the Legislative Assembly approved a decree containing the Special Law of Transitional Justice, Repair and National Reconciliation, which includes provisions that obstruct the investigation and effective execution of those responsible for crime.

As for the questioning organization that, well, President Bukele vetoed the decree in the final of this month, the governing body “did not disclose the information related to the military operations that had taken place during the internal war (between 1980 and 1992). and denied the judicial access to the archives related to the massacre of El Mozote, cometida in 1981 ”.

La Fuerza Armada den Negro al juez de San Francisco Gotera que tiene el casa de la masacre El Mozote, el acceso a casi todas las guarniciones a donde llegó para revisar militares archivos und recabar posibles evidencias para esclarecer la masacre en El Mozote aledaños December 1981, one of the most tragic events during the war.

The information also dedicates one line to the right of El Salvador maintains the total prohibition on abortion, which is considered a right of women.
