AMLO: Andrés Manuel López Obrador: “I was intrigued by the fact that the patriarchal pact was because I was spared”

A group of women protests against the candidacy of Felix Salgado Macedonio this week.
A group of women protests against the candidacy of Felix Salgado Macedonio this week.Galo Cañas / Cuartoscuro

The president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has affirmed these jews that he has not heard yet what the patriarchal pact means. “I was intrigued by the fact that I had five days, I was spared it”, said the mandate in Palacio Nacional after several days of criticism of his defense to Félix Salgado Macedonio, the candidate of his party, Morena, al Gobierno de Guerrero y sobre el que pesan dos denuncias por violación en su contra y al menos tres accusations más por abuso y sexos acoso. “It is based on the Mexico Pact or the Silence Pact, which will establish the repression and disappearance of the young people of Ayotzinapa. ¿Pero el otro pacto?, Nee ”, asseguró el presidenten in reference to the political agreement between his opponents, the PAN, PRI, PRD and by the investigation of the case of the students of Iguala. “In the case of Felix, who resurrected the women and men of Guerrero and the laity,” said López Obrador, who visited the entity and gave feminist protests over Macedonia’s candidacy. The Commission on Honesty and Justice of Morena will decide in the near future the future of the candidacy.

Writers, politicians, intellectuals and activists who spoke to López Obrador who intercepted the patriarchal pact and fined the defense of Salgado Macedonio, who had supported on various occasions the scandal that had killed Morena’s aspirant. Loose hat brand #PresidenteRompaElPacto and #UvioladorNoSeráGobernador have been running since last week and are joining the petition of Morena’s legislators, demanding that the candidate’s candidacy be withdrawn with a license. Agreed with the Argentine anthropologist Rita Segato, the patriarchal pact that discusses the president is the behavior between goods that are treated as equals, with a high dose of honor and respect, but also of the acts that are realized. This pact is based on “absolute and indispensable defense” of the rights of the aggressor and the deposit of all the suspicions and persecution regarding the victim, the writer said.

The president has classified the patriarchal pact as “imported expressions” and has remained important in the questions he has filed against the candidate, which no one has chosen and assured that he has not tried against. “What do we need to see if we are respectful of women, of all human beings?” Asked López Obrador. According to the mandate, the controversy is a “media campaign” orchestrated by “conservators” and the media of communication, which aims to use the feminist movement to influence politics. Mexico celebrates the 6th of June the biggest elections in its history. The Chamber of Deputies will be renovated, the mayor will have Morena, and 15 local governors and more than 2,000 members will vote.

The celebrations during the celebration of the Day of the Banner in Iguala, Guerrero, in which the president accompanied by his Argentine homologue, Alberto Fernández, a group of feminist activists who protested against the candidacy of Salgado Macedon for strong partisan support of izquierdas. One of the activists was killed in the cave, in the middle of the raids in the center of Iguala.

The president said he did not have any issues of conscience regarding the issue and said he was in favor of the rights of the women and that he included them in his Gabinete. “It simply came to our notice then that the Mayor’s public servants at the highest level had their shoes and shoes made by a man who always respected the women,” he said. ‘Geen somos iguales a los conservadores nie. I am a humanist and I respect feminism ”. The candidacy of Salgado Macedonio follows in the footsteps of one of the days that the election campaigns will take place on March 5, in an internal market investigation by the president’s defense on the candidate that points out the polls and criticisms of feminist bases of Morena.

