‘American Idol’: Wyatt Pike drops out of season 19 – full statement

American Idol viewers were stunned Monday when Ryan Seacrest casually revealed that finalist Wyatt Pike had to drop out of the competition. Two days later, the 19-year-old Utah resident spoke on social media about his decision to leave.

‘I had to [American Idol] competition for personal reasons, but is so grateful that I can play music for the rest of my life, ”Pike wrote in an Instagram post on Wednesday. “Competitors – miss you all, good luck! Thank you so much to everyone for your support … stay tuned for more musical stuff soon! ” The post received immediate love from Pike’s fellow contestants, including duet partner Cassandra Coleman.

Snoek auditioned for Idol with ‘Best For You’, an original song about his relationship with his sister. “Towards my end of high school, I started struggling with anxiety,” he said in his audition package. “Those were some things my sister had dealt with in the past.”

Watch the performance, plus get to know Pike a little better, in the video below:

As previously reported, the April 26 episode of Idol will welcome back 10 singers from season 18, all of whom will compete for the chance to return to the competition.

Then check out Pike’s full Instagram post below leave a comment with your mind. Did you root for him? And which of the remaining finalists could you see winning season 19?
