America vs. Olympia. Honduran naked to Benedetti, cayó immovable | VIDEO

Aztec Stadium, Mexico City /

More drama at the Aztec Stadium! How are you pisotón a Sebastián Córdova y la fractura de Chucho López geen hubieran sido suficientes para el America ante Olimpia, Nicolás Benedetti cayó noqueado took a shock check with Elvis Oliva Casildo’s defense in the game that ended with a triumphant Honduran, but passed to American Quarters.

El Poeta jumps to connect the balloon, but by the way Oliva to also search the redonda, without embarrassment, the only one who found the middle of the camouflage of the Eagles, who was immovable en el césped durante varios segundos.

The urge to take the medicine is cleared up immediately; a judge from Olympia intends to help Benedetti move the cave, although doctors are reluctant to personally revise the suicidal while the players of America and the Honduran club aguardaban.

Benedetti noqueado in America-Olympia | VIDEO

Benedetti is ‘salad’ with the lesions

A Benedetti la suerte no lo ha seguido desde que llegó al America. Ligament lesions as the suprida in the Pre-Olympics of Conmebol the past year and a contagio of COVID-19 the market, aunado a countable muscle problems which has a margin of many parties.

Afortunadamente, on this occasion Benedetti flew to the camp a few minutes later and complied with the rest of the time, in which America ends up paying the hour to advance to Final Covers with a global 2-2, per favored by the visitor goal criterion and that Ida the solvent 1-2 in Honduras.
