America vs La Equidad: Juan Cruz Real talks about the derrota

America of Cali suffers an unspeakable derrota como local a manos de La Equidad in the market of the 17th league of the Betplay League and seriously compromised its classification in the playoffs. He had to go to Jaguars and Tolima in the journals’ proximity to the logarithm, but the team did not respond, and he raised the alarms again.

Tras el cotejo, Juan Cruz Real dio su parte en pruena de press: “Indudablemente is a result that we do not hope, we want to win the game and we have the hope of a summer of 3 … .

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“Every day we have 6 points and we depend on them, we have to lift the cup and win the 2 games… Nosotros por lo menos traatamos de buscarle fundamento y the rivals came to enter and we are in the process of finalizing “, aggregate with molestia the Argentine DT.

Explained a change that generated controversy in the team: “Luis Paz venia making a good party and consider that our vengeance on a player by whom is called Equity. The local team always looked, always wanted, but we had to convert our goals “.

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“It’s normal when a team takes a position near the property, the spaces are reduced, it is difficult to play ante 8 or 9 players in area own and we are costing, is indudable… We are costing to solve, can unbalance and cover their defenses that are in place of this form. “Lamentably, this is football and if so,” Cruz Real wrote.

“Having seguir training, efficacy is fundamental. In the end, we are determined because the team has to propose, but we believe that there is a lot of value in whoever searches for the error that he has to propose ”, concluded in the middle of a deceptive domino for the scarlet.
