America piers three figures for the classic against Cruz Azul over the controversial game of Concacaf ante Olimpia – Diez

Mexico America owes its main figures to no exhibitors in the Champions de Concacaf but in order to be used by the poor in the market, there are two consequences: three players are bad for the classic Cruz Azul classic.

The Mexican media reports that the players, Sebastián Córdova suffers a golfer on the cleft, then suffers a strong blow from Maylor Núñez; the other who does not stand is delantero Nicolás Benedetti, footballer who suffers a golfer in his cabeza to shock form by accident with Elvin Casildo. Eltro es Jesús “Chucho” López quien salió con fracture de peroné tras la entrada de Yustin Arboleda.


Now the technician of the employees, Santiago Solari, tends to look for options to look for the replacements of these young players and that the leader of the tournament will be playing a machine that can with all its arms to the Aztecs.

The party that played America’s the Olympics ancients, was cataloged by the Mexican press as a ‘carniceria’ game, then the violent crimes that were committed by the lads, were committed by the culprit of the arbitration of tico Henry Bejarano that no one controlled the game that is the force of man.

The other footballers of the American team who played golf were flying Santiago Naveda who suffered a fall from Germán “Patón” Mejía, as well as the goalkeeper Guillermo “Memo” Ochoa who was caught by Jerry Bengtson. Pero diario El Universal report that these are standing in the shock before the cements.

Olympia also has two doubts this night for the Honduras Progress Party; footballers Michael Chirinos and José Mario Pinto, toinarin tocados, pero ayer se hizo pruebas fisicas y todo indica que podrían tener minutos en el Micheletti.
