America pays the price of Navidad and New Year with a response to the pandemic

America reports that there are 437,000 new cases of coronavirus, the second worst case of diarrhea of ​​the pandemic, which elevated the total to 37 million enviros, a price that was set to pay off the continent across the celebrations of Christmas and New Year.

In the world, 864 million cases were reported that in the last 24 hours, 735,000 recent contagious registrations were recorded in the United States.

Since then, the World Health Organization (WHO) has deployed 900,000 in this continent across the 7,200 of these fires.

This is a new source of infections for veterinarians, sanitary authorities and the result of trade-offs in order to carry out Christmas sales and family reunions at the end of the year.

This curve ascends from the main path to the United States, which accumulates 21 million in enmity and gives the advance advance vacancy.

Precisely, the President-elect of the EE.UU, Joe Biden, said that he was aware that his Administration would distribute all the available doses of immediate form.

“The vacancies are ours and hope, but distribution has been a despot”, Biden said in an act in Wilmington (Delaware)

Anthony Fauci, the most important expert in infectious diseases of the Govierno estadounidense, demonstrates that the United States can read a million inoculations today, with which only in June 2022 already 80% of the population of the country received the immunization

Brazil has millions of contagious people

Brazil, the second most affected country in the United States by the pandemic, recorded in the last 24 hours 52,035 new cases of Covid, with which surpassing the mark of the eight million contagious.

The American giant also reported 962 new bankruptcies.

Thus, since the first case of illness was presented, on 26 February and the first death on 12 March, Brazil has accumulated 201,406 deces of coronavirus and 8,013,708 contagios.

The increase in deaths and contagiousness is currently taking place as Brazil is trying to define the time for the start of the evacuation campaign, although the Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, will ensure that the next 20 years are celebrated.

Hecho, the National Agencia de Vigilancia Sanitaria (Anvisa), the regulator of Brazil, received the emergency assistance of the undeveloped vaccine in the country by the Chinese laboratory Sinovac together with the Brazilian Institute Butantan.

The solemnity presented by the Butantan Institute despises that the Governor of Sao Paulo, from which depends on the research center, announces the hope that the studies conducted with volunteers in the country will show that this vacancy has an efficiency of 78%.

Asimismo, the State Foundation Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) has issued the authorization to use millions of doses of the dose of the vaccine of the AstraZeneca pharmaceutical and the University of Oxford.

Alarma in Colombia

In Latin America, the case of Colombia, which has a total of 18,221 new cases of covid-19, has its second consecutive record, which elevates to 1,755,568 the number of persons it contradicted the information from which it was informed of the first infection March 2020.

In addition to the high number of contagios, the Ministry of Health signaled that there were 364 deaths, the highest number since September 1 when the country had 389 deaths.

As a consequence of this, the Colombian capital, Bogotá, is on alert, with the closed trade and a relatively low circulation of people and cars.

With the cameras of the UCI occupying more than 85% and this is a third of the total cases of the nurse, the Alcaldesa of Bogotá, Claudia López, declared the alert alert, as well as the total restriction of the mobility of the median of the jueves has the quarter of the next 12 months.

Other Colombian cities, such as Medellin, the second in importance, Cali, Cartagena, Ibagué and Bucaramanga, also have mediated to avoid the massive displacement during the end of the week that celebrates Reyes’ festival and with it the children.

Restrictions in Argentina and Mexico

In order to release the points of covid-19 during the war, the Argentine Governor is issuing a decree issuing a decree to the provincial governors restricting the nocturnal circulation if the epidemiological situation is required, and the frontier of the front.

As of March 2020, Argentina has registered 1,690,006 people with coronavirus and the current intensive care units account for 54.7% of their total capacity.

The preoccupation of the Executive of Alberto Fernández takes place in a context of a strong increase of the curve of contagios during the temporal festival.

It is attributed to the mayor’s desatenation of the society to the distance media, with the playful parties and fiestas parties, but also to the ecos that dejaron multidisciplinary concentrations like the victory of Diego Armando Maradona at the end of November and the abortion less than two weeks.

In the same way, Mexico City is keeping track of non-essential activities at least until January 15 to release the advance of the covid-19 pes that the announced closing period concludes this domingo, informs the governing body of Claudia Sheinba .

The official classification as “onontbeerlike mantener the situation of dissemination of mobility” in the capital with a second total closed that arranged the 19th of December.

The capital is the main focal red of the pandemic in the country accumulates more than 354,000 contagios and cases 23,000 defunct by covid-19, while Mexico rose the 1.5 million cases and totaled more than 131,000 deaths.

In addition, the hospital occupancy rate in Mexico City is 86%, an ideological percentage for general hospitalization beds as well as intubation.
