America knows that Robert Siboldi will not be his new coach

When it appears that Robert Dante Siboldi absolutely absolutely everything to be the new Technical Director of Club America in place of Miguel Herrera, at the opening of the official announcement of the abduction, on the other hand, Marca Claro.

The Uruguayan coach and coach do not agree on different situations, such as the leaflets in the Easter market, the planning of the pretemporada and the presupposition for the professional plant.

Además, the article indicates that the directive of the eagles does not agree with the manner in which the Uruguayan marches on Cruz Azul: MX League, protagonists a historic papillon and marches from La Noria through the back door.

El charrúa, who won Campeonatos tanto con Santos como con la Máquina Cementera, fue una de las principals alternativante durant días pero con el correr de los mismos se fue cayendo para darles paso dos dos Spanish options: Robert Moreno y Javier Calleja.

The Más Grande will debut in the Clausura 2021 on Saturday, the 9th of January, when he receives at Atlético San Luis at the Aztec Stadium he will be closed for the coronavirus pandemic of the 21 hours.
