America Guinart reveals how his wife Camila Fernández said she was embarrassed

The Fernandez are happy with the close proximity of the first hive of Camila Fernández y Francisco Barba women, February principles, shared exclusively with HELLO! congratulations on the embarrassment of the singer. After the popes hiccuped the official announcement Alejandro Fernández y su exesposa, America Guinart he expressed his emotion over the birth of his first child, who agreed with the information revealed by El potrillo read the number of Cayetana. Tal como lo hizo el cantante la semana pasade en interviste con Joaquín López-Dóriga, ahora, es America Guinart quien habló en Ventaneando about how it feels before next debut in this tierna stage.

Hola portada with Camila Fernández and Francisco Barba about the announcement of his embarrassmentVER GALLERY


With the same emotion as the one who helped his wife with the preparations of his body, now, America counts the days to know his heart: “I am super privileged, God bless me, I am super happy, I hope to have the moment to have the baby in my arms”. Confirming Alejandro Fernández’s version that he had a very difficult time processing the notice, Guinart told the song how he reacted: “Se quedó como en skok Alejandro, in order for there to be a shock, as he says he has to pass, but he does not hope that he will do so soon and he will have sent feelings, he will stay, as he assisted. Yo le dije a Camila: ‘A ver ahora tu papa de abuelo cómo se va a sentir’. Pero ya le cayó bien en veinte, está feliz”.

America Guinart with its three houses and its pairsVER GALLERY

America approves this charla to reveal how he received the information that was out of date: “Llegó Cami de Luna de Miel and me trajo un regalo. The abri and vi that were the proof of embarrassment and a papelito that decided: ‘Vas a hacer la mejor abuela del mundo‘”. Guinart assures you that you are involved in the embarrassment of your mother that you have a special form of calling the baby: “Ya tienen nombre, Cayetana, yo le digo Tana”. The tapestry assures that even though it has been since time immemorial it has been known that it has not officially hiccuped; although there is no need for the person to be in the world: “Hasta que vi que Cami puso en sus redes el nombre dije: ‘A bueno ya lo dejó saber’, pero a lo mejor Alejandro la regó primero ‘, dijo entre risas.

Guinart, United States of America, is pleased to announce the arrival of his wife Camila at the beginning of the embarrassment when she is in absolute rest: “If there is a placental abruption, if there is a hematoma, then the wine that holds the placenta down and the bronchus with Cami is also trae 8 feet in the vesicle that he caused much pain, but mirage Cayetana luchadora is aferró”. Aseguró que durante los mes que Camila estuvo en cama don Vicente y doña Cuquita estuvieron muy al pendiente de su salud: “Mi mamma Cuca perdió varios bebés, entonces she decides that she perfectly knows what she is”, Guinart Account.

America Guinart and his mayor Alejandro Fernández Jr.VER GALLERY

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America is rejoicing at the moment that he is living with his wife Camila, but also with the preparations of his wife Alejandro Jr. who will be in love with his promised Alexia Hernández in September. If you want to create your own file to convert it first, comment: “The world is that Alex always wanted to be Daddy and he said to me: ‘Mommy, I’m always going to be Daddy lying, lying and happy’, America bromeó assurando que sus hijas stán pensanden en tener familias grandes: “Han dicho que hasta cinco”, incredible comment.
