AMD, Intel, Nvidia, Acer and Asus announce a bunch of new products

The chip makers Intel, AMD and Nvidia entered the virtual stage at this week’s trade show to unveil their new processors that promise to make graphics look better, load faster and improve computer performance.

“Our relationship with technology has fundamentally changed,” AMD CEO Lisa Su said in a speech on Tuesday. “The pandemic has increased technology to become an essential part of how we live, work, play and communicate. And at the heart of all this technology are high-performance computers.”

AMD on Tuesday announced a range of new mobile processors for laptops from Asus, HP, Lenovo and other manufacturers. Nvidia said its new graphics card – the $ 329 GeForce RTX 3060 – will be released in February.

Hardware companies Acer, Asus, Lenovo and others have introduced their latest computers and connected monitors that use the new chips.

At CES 2021, Intel launches four new families of processors.
Computers are also experiencing a shortage of spare parts production, especially chips, as Asian factories have recovered from an early 2020 slowdown and demand exceeds supply.

For the Taiwanese company Acer, the pandemic did not greatly disrupt the launch of its new product range, including several new laptops and exhibits. Similarly, Asus, which also has its headquarters in Taiwan, has announced a long range, from laptops to a projector and monitor.

The Asus projector.
Acer said it benefits from the fact that Taiwan is a coronavirus refuge.

‘Because Taiwan is hardly affected [by the coronavirus pandemic] really, and this is our world headquarters, all the product development has gone very smoothly, “said Acer Pan America President Gregg Prendergast.” Our factories are mainly in China … they were a bit spotlight in calendar Q2, but they have been quite operational since June. ‘

Prendergast said that Acer had phased out of its own factories more than twenty years ago, but that he could comfortably choose which factory he wanted to work with, which offered more flexibility during the pandemic.

Acer has a significant business in education, providing Chromebooks to students, and in laptops and gaming screens. Traditionally, the brand attracts PC gamers, but is gradually expanding to console gamers, offering a new screen that supports the game on the new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X with optimized graphics.

“It depends on how some of these products fare. If it gets tough and starts selling well, we will definitely expand the portfolio,” Prendergast said.

Despite many technology ventures, including Acer, which reports record sales, not everything is sunny for chipmakers.

Intel on Monday launched new processors for computers, including the 11th generation Intel chips for games.

On Wednesday, Intel also fired its CEO, Bob Swan, by naming his replacement, Pat Gelsinger. Under Swan, Intel struggled and lost market share to competitors in key segments.
Apple made headlines last year when it was announced that Intel would phase out Intel chips in its Macs and instead make its own.

Intel said in a call to CNN Business last week that Apple’s decision to release the disc maker to ‘find out how we go out and compete against those [Apple] products. Intel has said it is focusing on delivering the best experiences on Windows, Chrome and Linux while competing against Mac products.
