Amazon has just teased 3 new products. They may never reach the market

It’s like Kickstarter for Alexa. Artists, startups, and organizations typically turn to Kickstarter to set up new products and achieve a certain funding goal to help get the project off the ground. Now Amazon is doing something similar, except that the trillion-dollar company certainly does not need help raising money for its production process.

Instead, Amazon’s new program called Build It aims to give customers a say in what it creates next. The tech giant has plugged its voice control software into almost everything over the past few years, including its speakers, microwaves, glasses and earbuds. Do we really need a cuckoo clock with Alexa that allows you to set timers? Can be. Amazon (AMZN) will know within 30 days if this is something customers actually want.

If a concept pre-orders Amazon’s goal, it’s on the doorstep this summer. If interest is lacking, Amazon will stop and buyers will not be charged.

“It’s low risk, high reward and a lot of fun,” Amazon said in a blog post. “If your favorite concept isn’t being built this time around, don’t worry. There are still some great ideas to come.”
But it also comes at a time of great concern about how Amazon is using data to boost its dominance. The company investigated because it allegedly used sales data from sellers on its platform to determine which products were popular and which Amazon should start selling. Outgoing CEO Jeff Bezos told Congress last year that Amazon has a policy banning the use of third-party vendor data to support Amazon’s private trading business, but he said he “can not guarantee” that it was never violated.)

If Amazon relied more frequently on this Kickstarter model, it would effectively obtain additional user data that could help it launch countless products – some similar to others already on the market – while the odds and costs of any flops in the process, making it potentially so much more of a terrifying competitor.

The three new concepts unveiled this week come from inventors, designers and engineers within Amazon: to begin with, there’s a $ 89.99 hands-free smart wallpaper printer the size of a receipt printer that you’d find next to a cash register see. It works with Alexa to print shopping lists, reminders and calendar events on small Post-it-size notes. Meanwhile, a smart $ 34.99 scale can ask Alexa to weigh 200 calories of blueberries and nutritional information for thousands of ingredients and foods by weight. Finally, the cuckoo clock ($ 79.99) features a mechanical pop-out cuckoo bird, built-in speakers for timers and alarms, and can be wall-mounted or mounted on a shelf.

Amazon's concept device for an Alexa-enabled note printer

The company said it has produced workable models for each article to make sure development is possible.

The effort is an extension of Amazon’s Day One Edition program launched last year to give customers access to new products the company previously wanted feedback on. For example, the Echo Frames – a smartwatch activated by Alexa – require people to sign up online for an invitation to make a purchase. Buyer was then asked to provide direct feedback on the item. Amazon has finally moved the glasses into production and it is now available to everyone for $ 249.00 on the website. At the same time, Amazon withdrew its Loop Smart Ring concept after flawed feedback.

The company told CNN Business that it does not disclose the target amount for the new products, but the product pages will show a percentage progress bar to indicate how close they are to the benchmark.
