Amaury Vergara responds to petitions regarding the regression of Matías Almeyda and Chivas

Matías Almeyda is very present in the opinion of the Chivas aficionados and it is for this reason that when there is an opportunity, a large sector solicits the regression of Argentine technology.

Now, the space where these petitions will be made live on Instagram’s Instagram, Amaury Vergara, who will be promoting her podcast “Transmutando”, received in the comments said solicitudes.

‘Nee se puede, ahorita Matías is in San José “, which is why it is limited to deciding the directive to answer those aficionados, closing at the moment the gates to this movement.

Other comments from pediatricians also include the regression of players such as Rodolfo Pizarro and Orbelín Pineda al Guadalajara.

