Amaury Vergara helps fans buy T-shirts from Chivas for reforts

Mexico City /

The President and owner of the Chivas, Amaury Vergara, pidió a los aficionados del Guadalajara buy t-shirts of the team for poder traer refuerzos the next time.

Amaury sostuvo una platika con seguidores del Rebaño Sagrado in a live transmission on account of Instagram, donde cruzó un seguidor le pidio que le regalara una camiseta.

“If you buy it, I tell you that it is a company, now no can be regalando players todos; necesito que apoyen y que buy players for traer refuerzos”, Signed the directive.

In addition to the many questions that hicieron the aficionados, Vergara fue questioned by the possible refunds for the next time. Specifically by Orbelín Pineda y Carlos Salcedo.

Salcedo and Orbelín no comment on this, Orbelín de regreso ahorita no, is in another team we have concentrate on what we are, there are no contracts for now, we will see in the verna de verano ”, dijo.

Finally the mandamás del Rebaño Sagrado dijo que for the moment did not think to “correct” ‘n ningún jugador del plantel.

‘Ahorita we will not correct nadie; somos los que somos y no voy a hablar de a quién voy a traer, porque we are what we are”, Conclusion.
