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Al grito de “Muera la cuarentena”, protesters reject the restriction in Peru

Lima, 30 ene (EFE) .- “Muera la cuarentena”, “Libertad, insurgencia”, “Sin trabajo no hay salud” y “No al nuevo orden mundial”, fueron algunos de los lemas coreados y musrados en pancartas y banderolas por a diverse group of people taking part in this Saturday in the historic center of Lima. The protesters responded to summonses this week in social speeches to express their right to the immediate initiation of a new quarantine in diez of the 25 regions of Peru ahead of the second ola of covid-19. In some cases, the assistants will show their revenge on the quarantine who takes over the property, in addition to the Governor Francisco Sagasti’s governor, some against the vacancies against the covid-19 and many more against the use of the mascarillas. RECHAZO SIN MASCARILLAS Exactly, a group of numbers are presented without mascarillas or the level with descending and colocadas at the height of the menton, a pesar de que between them adult adults. “I am in the march supporting everyone is that, like you, we are workers, many of them work to subscribe to the day and the day”, affirmed to Efe a demonstrator who identified himself as Gustavo Mirano. The protesters say that the citizens reject the cuarentena “because they lose their jobs and the opportunity to produce to live”, and that “there are many people who quit the mascara for rebellion, because they know that the governess dictates things that do not benefit underlay lugar y porque geen son legitimas “. A “PLANDEMIA” SANITARY Another protesting young woman, who did not identify himself, assured Efe that “a lot of people had” because the world ends “a plenary (sic) sanitation that we do not believe, with all kinds of political restrictions that are against of human rights “. “If there is a totalitarian governing body that is communism, which is part of the Chinese party, it is global at the world level, not only here in Peru, but also in Spain, there are restrictions on the liberties in Argentina”, said. This joven added that the use of mascarillas “is a tool of repression” and was considered “illegal and unconstitutional”, for which it proposed “insurgency”. AN OCULAN INTENTION In the event also took part the clinical psychologist Ángel Núñez, a Belgian-Spanish citizen living in Lima who said “from the first day” he said “that he was a father”. Núñez asserts that he has revised “scientific documents” that he was allowed to determine “that mascarillas are horrible for the health” and that “he has an intention to” on the meter so much “. “I think that citizens are to respect the law, I consider myself a good citizen, obedient, a good person, but there is a separation from what obedience is to dictatorship”, he concluded. COMPANY RECOVERY Among the protesters and curious curators who were detained to observe the protest, which was vigilant by National Police agents, a patron was circulating to adhere to a petition calling for an unconstitutional declaration. Mirano details, respectfully, that it seeks to recover companies “in order to deliver a message to the TC and the governing body in order to make the theme of the quarantine more flexible”. If the protest is carried out in a pacific manner, an incident with a local periodical team will take place which will be attacked and beaten by protesters, which obliges the Police to intervene to protect and allow them to retire. NEW CURRENCY Peru is ready to initiate a new quarantine in its home regions, between the Lima Metropolitana, which will limit the activities that involve displacement and massive meetings, with the exception of abstentions that will increase by 40 years. Las regiones que ingresarán a confinamiento, en principio, has the first 14-year-old son Lima Metropolitana, Lima provincias, Callao, Áncash, Pasco, Huánuco, Junín, Huancavelica, Ica y Apurímac. In various regions there are no beds available in the Intensive Care Units (UCI) and hospitalizations are multiplied, while official data show that the country has more than 1.1 million cases and 40,600 deaths since March. (c) EFE Agency
