Alza sueldos a militares incluye todos los rangos

The Ministry of Defense (MIDE), which commands General Carlos Luciano Díaz Morfa, presented last December 4 to the Presidency of the Presidency the proposal for a new military salary structure that will increase in several stages the salaries of currently serving soldiers. RD $ 10 150 mans.

The proposal for a revision of the salary structure for the members of the Fuerzas Armadas is to carry out annual escalations every second semester of this year, in a process that adjusts to the precarious realities of Gobierno.

Inversion and wellness

The increase in the number of lower-ranking soldiers is reflected proportionately in the military salary structure, and includes assimilations, cadets and different ranks, as well as his captain, sergeant, tenant, tenant captain, captain, tenant captain. corbeta, teniente coronel y capita de fragata,

Además, coronel, navy captain, brigadier general, counter-admiral, mayor-general, vice-admiral and the tenant-general or admiral, rank only the title of Minister of Defense. An information ensures that President Luis Abinader also approves a plan for the repair, renovation and furnishing of the dormitories, baths, kitchens, counters and other dedicated installations to satisfy the needs of the military facilities and military facilities. dominicana.

It is said that the program, which is being implemented through Presidency funds, has a budget of RD $ 840 million, which will be included in monthly installments over a six-month period. It is expected that it will start rolling out in November of this year.

Also includes the accommodation of wardrobes, checkpoints, medical dispensaries and primary care centers, among other installations.

Security and clothing

In December, the Presidency passed RD $ 983 million in addition to donating vans, all-terrain vehicles and other necessary equipment for MIDE cargo security activities.

The document expresses that of these recourse, RD $$ 549 million is dedicated to the purchase of military ropa to enter each soldier various units of uniforms, garments and other uniforms of continuous use in service.

Explain that the military clothing package traditionally denominated in “Fuerzas Armadas” is “a pedido”, including a fauna and call; ropa interior de faena y de calle, botas, zapatos, correas, corbatas, gorros y gorras.


January 4

The passing moon informs the governor also an increase in the number of police officers, with a right that increases between 10 and 40 per cent.

December 29

The governor also informs the affiliation with the maximum complementary medical service of the Senate to 39,000 police officers, and facilities to buy food products at low cost through Inespre.
