also steps to empezar to come saludable

  • The periodical Diana Oliver published ‘¡Ñam!’, an assayo that offers many keys to change the bad guys
  • Your purchase of the purchase must be included fried tomato boats ni bebidas azucaradas
  • Abandon the expression ‘por un día no pasa nada’ and appeals to darling a vuelta to the traditional menus of Navidad

Do you still want to go well? Pues deja de comer mal. Asi de sencillo. The recipe is written by dietitian and nutritionist Julio Basulto, author of the prologue of ‘¡Ñam! About what we ‘ (edited by Andana), an illustrated and ideal essay ideal for learning in the family in the que la periodist Diana Oliver offer claves so that in higher ones the food salueable. Where to go to change the bad guys? For these and other steps.

Foods that you need to measure in your car

Fruit and silver. También legumbres, ya sean secas, congeladas o en preserva. “If you have a fast-paced, fast-paced diet – and much more salutable – you can have a good meal with a lot of booties”, Oliver assures. Our carrie de la compra deberia includes arrow, integral pasta, chicken (no chicken fiber), fish, leche and eggs. Another basic son of tomato boats. Fry the tomato more than the label says ‘casero style’. Lo hay que comprar son latas de tomate cuyo ingrediente exclusivo sea tomate. We can free ours with a pint of olive virgen extra. In a few minutes we will have a delicious salsa casera infinitely more salutary than the preparations.

Foods that we must buy

Destroy one of them yogurts of sabores. Tienen cuatro terrones de azúcar por cada 125 gram. “In the ultra-processed foods that we eat in the super, the sugar -recover Oliver- can appear with many other names, such as glucose, dextrose, sucrose, agave syrup, maltose …” So there you have it natural without sin añadida. If you do not like the acid, a trick: “Add a little bit of canela molida, essence de vainilla, fresas trituradas o frutos secos molidos “. Por supuesto, nada de bollería industrial. Tampoco pizzas ya hechas (” compra la masa y prepárala tú en casa “, aconseja la autora) ni bolsas con mezclas de queso para fundir. What happened to the debutant? “Si, pero de manera ocasional, no varias veces a la semana. Si las carnes prosadas -bacon, salchichas, hamburguesas industriales y morcilla- se comen habituale, o si se toman en grandes cantidades, pueden provocar con el timempere enfermedades gravisimas como el cancer “, advised the book.

Abandon the expression ‘por un día’

What do you think about these days when there are days when there are no beds? Y es cierto, pero si -de verdad- fuera un día al año. The reality is that the calendar calendar includes multiple multiples of the school, family reunions, Halloween, Nochebuena, Reyes, Semana Santa, las fiestas del pueblo … “His children have said that these dulces must be extremely punctual. And no solo tus hijos sino también el resto de la famili. Los abuelos, par egemplo. Eso exige mucha work pedagogy with the family “, distaca the author of ‘¡Ñam!’ A trick: antes of tu hijo vaya al compleanos al le le han invitado ofrécele mucha fruta antes de casa de casa.

Healthy cooking. También en Navidad

In these cases, Oliver suggests giving a roll to the traditional menus. In place of the types of pâtés and pies, served by a casmer hummus (garbanzos pasta, with a pint of butter, lemon and sesame), a Vegetable pate lentils with species o toast with oliva virgen extra ace, allspice and salt. From main course, what is a half-eaten lemon and a green curry curry? And from behind, combine the ethereal bands of turron and powder with another line of shortened fruit.

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Bebe agua, no bebidas azucaradas

Huye de mal mallamosos refrescos. Seun, in reality, bebidas azucaradas. “If you have occasional, good manners. But you have a serious problem and the incorporations habitually in your month. The best are never teners at home”.

Frutos secos sí. Pero crudos y sin sal

Nueces, almendras, castañas, anacardos, avellanas, pistachos … Son ricos en saludas grasas, aportan vitamins, minerals and proteins. Would recommend a break every day. Eso sí, crudos o tostados. Y siempre sin sal ni azúcar.

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La nocilla es una merienda stupenda … si es casera

The best merit for your peaks (and for you) is the fruit. Pero ‘¡Ñam!’ offers more options. Para berei un bocadillo saludable puedes hacer una cacahuetes cream, batiéndolos en la batidora hasta conseguir una pasta. Integral pan integral and anadale unas rodajas de plátano. Another option is a avenue bar: mezcla copa de avena con leche, añádele una manzana asada y cinnamon en polvo y frutos secos machacados. Put the mixture in the microwave for five minutes and freeze. An ultimate idea: white albium hummus (made from legumes with ace, lemon, salt, cumin and allspice) with palates of zanahoria. And there are more goals: nocilla casera (avellanas, pure cocoa, leche and extra virgin olive oil).

Ni impongas ni verpligte. Solo of example

For more man who connects in the kitchen, you always have to prefer industrial bollard to your bizarre boxes. “It’s very difficult to compete”, Oliver recalls, mother of two children. “The padres and the madres debemos are exemplar porque, a la larga, esos hábitos saludables calarán en los niños. Para cambiar malos hábitos, geen hagas cambios bruscos. Ve poco a poco. Y, por supuesto, jamas obliges ni impongas“.
