Alonso Ancira was extradited to Mexico, proceeding to Spain

Alonso Ancira Elizondo, de Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA),
was extradited to Mexico by the Spanish governor over the order of reprimand against him, revelaron funcionarios de la Fiscalía general de la República, as a result of the crime of operations involving illicit proceedings derived from the case of the Agro Nitrogenados plant.

Respectfully, please look at the case and MILENIO that the empress does not currently have a preliminary suspension that impedes his presentation before the control of the Federal Criminal Justice Center reclusorio Norte, the same as the book of the order of capture.

“Que devuelvan lo que no les correspondonde”

At the press conference at the Palacio Nacional, Olga Sánchez Cordero, Secretary of the Government, informed that Ancira “estands flying in a plane of the General Taxation of the Republic of Spain to Mexico and tends to enfrentar criminal proceedings “.

“Pero lo que ha dicho el Presidente, que devuelvan what no agreement, which is matter of corruption, and that enfrenten is in its process, but that we connect the possibility from which devils to the error that illicitly se llevaron “, comment.

Due to the legal consequences in Spain, from the first hour of this year, the former “cause cause” in the system of laws of the Center of the Penitentiary of Palma de Mallorca and its traslado se hizo sin aviso previo not at all in his defense, and also published in the resolutions of the Council of Ministers during his weekly meeting at the Presidential House of La Moncloa.

The emperor’s defense attorney confirmed that “at no time” was notified of the extradition. The legal team of both countries shows their “extraordinary” debt to those ultimas months the situation is stable with a “extraordinary silence‘Now it’s confirmed’ with the customer’s input material ‘.

In agreement with federal officials, Alonso Ancira was transferred to our country aboard an aircraft of the FGR, which took place at 2:21 a.m. high time, Mexico time, aeronaut that has a scale to recover combos ysand hope that around 16:00 the airplane will land at the International Airport of the City of Mexico.

Officials will not specify the protocol to be made available to the federal jeweler at the empresario. The only thing that can be mentioned is that a student has a medical exam in the Hangar of the FGR.

One week ago, a federal law was passed by the FGR to execute the order of appeals against Alonso Ancira, a time when Spain was based in Mexico, an order of capture that would be released in October.

The company promotes an amphitheater and obtains a provisional suspension to avoid its detention on the offense of operations under appeal proceedings, derivative of the case of the plant of Agro Nitrogenados.

Sondeverbod, a Tribunal Colegiado revoked the media cautelar, because the FGR signaled that Alonso Ancira omitió manifested in the Mexican court that his legal situation in Spain from the 6th of November of this year, details a court hearing by MILENIO.

Delito de Ancira, no American preventive prison

The Federal Public Ministry indicates that the Criminal Court of the National Audit Office of Spain declared its extradition, triggers the appeal; in addition, order his search, detention and entry into prison, and that he will devour the finance of a million euros that deposit to measure his liberty.

Posteriorly, the Mexican juxtaposition proceeding to the final suspension, by which Alonso Ancira did not seek protection to avoid his detention.

The crime of operations with appeals against litigation in the United States Prison Prevention Office, it is said, can be committed in liberty, but agreed with federal sources, the FGR seeks that the emperor should not be allowed to benefit from evading justice.

