Allisson Lozz escapes the three nurses he has in the islands

The year passed Allisson Lozz share in a transmission in its social networks that its vista it is not the best and that includes thinking that the podium should be completely black.

In the video, the artist confesses to his followers that since his very age he has used lenses and that his mayor has already completed the Mayor’s oath to carry out an operation, but this embargo is not possible. Including the doctors, the babysitter made sure that the visit was done 30 years ago of edad.

Despite the lamentable news, Allisson has not been charged with felony criminal mischief for fleeing to the United States for his other diagnostic.

The infantile exactriesta that has three types of enfermedad, las cuales por fortuna se pueden tratar.

“I have a total of five specialists and I will confirm that I do not want to quarrel. I have two types of illness, I have very many and I do not want to be between the two adequately, because I have a very high degree. The other is which in my pupils is related to the mountains that when it comes microscopically it is notan ”.

Allisson can not avoid the logs to share that are not required ciega for the past 30 years, as has been the case with other doctors.

Allisson Lozz Compare New Diagnostics

“As far as I can tell, I’ve been able to have surgery for a systematic recovery, good news is that no, I’m going to have to wait 30 years for no one to leave and I’m happy to be with you. Dios. Tantos años aréos esto esto y saber que hay solution is incredible, ya lloré mucho, estoy uy contenta. No me la creo. Vamos a veer lo de la cirugía, no es algo urgente, ya no hay prisa “.

Allisson Lozz Compare New Diagnostics
